无问西东 · 雲昊,潇雨

无问西东 · 雲昊,潇雨

2018-01-30    03'31''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第243期:无问西东 主播:雲昊,潇雨 坐标:江西,湖南 如果提前了解,你们要面对的人生 If it is possible to know the life you will confront in advance 不知你们是否,还会有勇气前来 Will you still have the courage to embrace it? 看见的和听到的 What you’ve seen and heard 经常会令你们沮丧 Often dispirits you 世俗是这样的强大 The mundane world is so solid 强大到生不出改变他们的念头来 That even the thought of making a difference seems impossible 可是如果有机会,提前解了你们的人生 But, if you were given the chance to know your life lying ahead 知道青春,也不过只有这些日子 Knowing that youth is just these days but nothing more than that 不知你们是否, Will you still 还会在意那些世俗希望你们在意的事情 Care about the things that this mundane world expects you to? 比如占有多少才更荣耀 Like one’s glory depends on how much he or she possess 拥有什么,才能被爱 Like one must own something in order to be loved. 等你们长大, When you grow up, 你们会因绿芽冒出土地而喜悦 You will feel the joy of the green sprout 会对初升的朝阳欢呼跳跃 You will cheer for the rising sun 也会给别人善意,和温暖 You will also bring kindness and warmth to others. 但是却会在赞美别的生命的同时 However, while giving your praise to others 常常,甚至永远地,忘了自己的珍贵 You always forget how precious you are 愿你在被打击时,记起你的珍贵,抵抗恶意 May you remember your preciousness to resist malice during hard time 愿你在迷茫时,坚信你的珍贵,爱你所爱,行你所行,听从你心 May you have infinite faith in your preciousness when you lost your way Love what your love, do what you do and listen to your heart 无问西东 May you be young forever. 你听到的这段文字出自电影《无问西东》,英文由永清和雲昊共同翻译。 ▎雲昊·潇雨更多节目 冲天 求婚大作战 ▎主播介绍 雲昊:软件工程学博士后 潇雨:专业是会计的双语主播 主播:雲昊,潇雨,制作:永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 ▎每周一,三晚八点公众号首播 ,背景音乐,图文资料,更多推送 敬请关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,ID:readenglishforyou