如鲸向海,如鸟投林,如我爱你 · 永清

如鲸向海,如鸟投林,如我爱你 · 永清

2018-05-24    06'03''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第 263期:如鲸向海,如鸟投林,如我爱你 · 永清 主播:永清 坐标:北京 I light the fuse 是我 点燃了我们之间的导火索 And I watch it burn 看着纠纷燃起 And somewhere deep inside, I know there's a lesson to be learned 在内心深处 我知道这是一个关于爱与痛的教训 It's not the crime but the way that we pay for 这不是罪恶 但我们却要为此受尽折磨 Feelings are mutual 两情才能相悦 And you go upstairs 你漠然上楼 不再言语 And I hang my head 我呆在原地 思绪飘空 Somebody said I let myself down as I crawled into bed 有人说这一切都是我咎由自取 I wondered why the hell I've ever paid for 可是为什么要我尝遍这痛苦 Feelings are mutual 也许是因为 两情才能相悦 I'm tired of living in the shadow 我 厌倦了 沉溺在黑暗里的我 These paper walls, I can't break through 但是那些伤痛如纸 密不透风 I'm sick of standing by your window 我 厌倦了 默默关注着你的我 Tracing silhouettes of you 厌倦了 挥之不去 你的一颦一笑 But when it gets dark 但是夜深人静 You light the spark 我又无法抑制地想起你 And all the lies I try to live by start falling apart 我的自欺欺人开始变得苍白无力 Whoever knew it could be so painful 从未想过 伤痛会如此折磨着我 Feelings unmutual 我体会到了你之前的痛苦 Now I can't escape 无处可躲 These things I've done 它们正疯狂的侵蚀着我 But my anxieties have promised me the worst is to come 忧愁似乎告诉我这并不是最痛苦的 So give up living for the life that you paid for 所以不该为你而放弃生活 Feelings are mutual 一厢情愿 两情相悦 I've won 我输的一塌糊涂 ——Silhouettes of You 作者:Isaac Gracie,译者:甜柠檬好 ▎主播介绍 永清:毕业于西安外国语大学,喜欢旅行和摄影