接受不完美的自己 | 玛丽和马克思 · Hover

接受不完美的自己 | 玛丽和马克思 · Hover

2018-07-19    07'51''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第270期:接受不完美的自己 | 玛丽和马克思 · Hover 主播:Hover 坐标:杭州 第一封信: Dear Mary Daisy Dinkle, 亲爱的Mary Daisy Dinkle, Thank you for your letter, chocolate bar, lamington and pompom. 感谢你的来信,巧克力棒,拉名顿蛋糕和绒球。 The chocolate got crushed, so I blended the bits with milk and ice cream and now I am drinking it right now. 巧克力被压碎了,所以我就把它和牛奶,冰激凌一起做成了饮料,现在我正在喝呢。 After much thought, I think I have a solution to your teasing. 深思熟虑之后我想我有办法解决你的问题了。 Tell Bernie Clifford your birthmark is made of chocolate, which means when you get to heaven you will be in charge of all the chocolate. 你告诉Bernie Clifford你的胎记是由巧克力做的,这意味着等你到了天堂,所有的巧克力都由你管理。 This of course is a lie. 当然,这是在撒谎。 I do not like lies but in this case I think it will be of benefit. 我不喜欢撒谎。但就这个情况来讲,我觉得是好事。 I wish I could be in charge of all the chocolate but, of course, I cannot because of my atheism. 我真希望我也能管理所有的巧克力,但是,当然了,我肯定不能,因为我是无神论者。 People often think I am tactless and rude. 人们通常觉得我不修边幅而且粗鲁无礼。 I cannot understand how being honest can be...improper. 我实在想不通为什么诚实也算...不合时宜。 Maybe this is why I don't have any friends of course except for you. 也许这就是为什么我没有朋友,当然除你之外。 A real friend has been one of my three goals in life. 有一个真正的朋友是我人生的三大目标之一。 The other two are to own every Noblet and a lifetime supply of chocolate. 另外两个是集满所有的诺布偶,和拥有一辈子都吃不完的巧克力。 Dr Bernard Hazelhof says it is good to have goals but not stupid ones like mine. Bernard Hazelhof医生说有目标很好,但不要像我的那么愚蠢。 I have now run out of things to tell you. 我现在想不出该给你讲什么了。 Please, write soon. Your friend in America, Max Jerry Horowitz. 请及时回信。你的美国朋友Max Jerry Horowitz。 PS. Do not worry about not smiling. 又及,不要因为不笑而顾虑。 My mouth hardly ever smiles but it does not mean I am not smiling inside my brain. 我的嘴从来都不笑,但这不代表我的大脑没有在笑。 PPS. Please find enclosed a frisbee, some Chocolate Pop Rocks, which you should eat with cola, and an illustration of a turtle from one of my National Geographics. 又又及,请同时查收一个飞盘,一些巧克力跳跳糖,你应该配着可乐吃,还有我从国家地理上找到一张乌龟的图。 第二封信: Dear Mary, 亲爱的Mary, Please find enclosed my entire Noblet collection as a sign that I forgive you. 请随信查收我的一整套诺布偶,以此表示我对你的原谅。 When I received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer, smashing into each other. 当我收到你的书时,内心的感情就像是在滚筒式干洗机里,互相撞击。 The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled my lips together. 疼痛感犹如我不小心把嘴唇钉在一起的那次。 The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. 我原谅你的原因,是因为你不是完美的。 You are imperfect, and so am I. 你是有缺点的,我也是如此。 All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters. 人无完人,即便是我公寓门口,那个乱丢垃圾的男人。 When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. 我小的时候,想做除我之外的任何人。 Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island Bernard Hazelhof医生说,如果我在荒芜一人的岛屿上, then I would have to get used to my own company just me and the coconuts. 就一定得习惯由自己陪伴,只有我自己和椰子。 He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don't get to choose our warts. 他说我必须接受我自己,包括缺点,我们没法选择自己的缺点。 They are a part of us and we have to live with them. 它们是我们的一部分,我们必须接受。 We can, however, choose our friends and I am glad I have chosen you. 但是,我们可以选择自己的朋友,而我很高兴我选择了你。 Dr Bernard Hazelhof also said that everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk. Bernard Hazelhof医生还说,每个人的人生都像是一条冗长的小道。 Some are well paved. 有些铺垫得很完美。 Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. 有些,像我的,有垃圾,香蕉皮和烟头。 Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks. 你的小道和我的一样,不过应该没有那么多垃圾。 Hopefully, one day our sidewalks will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk. 真希望,有朝一日我们的小道会相交,然后我们可以一起享用一罐炼乳。 You are my best friend. You are my only friend. 你是我最好的朋友。你是我唯一的朋友。 Your American pen pal, 你的美国笔友 Max Jerry Horowitz