魔法亲亲  The Kissing Hand · 嘉欣,洋子,Lisa

魔法亲亲 The Kissing Hand · 嘉欣,洋子,Lisa

2018-10-11    09'14''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文· 第281期 The Kissing Hand 魔法亲亲 | 献给每个需要被爱的人 主播:嘉欣,洋子,Lisa 坐标:西安 The Kissing Hand 《魔法亲亲》 作者:Audrey Penn Chester Raccoon stood at the edge of the forest and cried. 浣熊奇奇站在森林的边缘哭泣。 "I don&`&t want to go to school," He told his mother. "I want to stay home with you. I want to play with my friends. And play with my toys. And read my books. And swing on my swing. Please may I stay home with you?" “我不想上学,”他对妈妈说,“我想和你留在家里,跟我的朋友玩游戏,玩我的玩具,看我的书,荡我的秋千。可以让我留在家里吗?拜托嘛。” Mrs. Raccoon took Chester by the hand and nuzzled him on the ear. 浣熊妈妈抱着奇奇,用鼻尖碰碰他的耳朵。 "Sometimes we all have to do things we don&`&t want to do," she told him gently. "Even if they seem strange and scary at first. But you will love school once you start." “有时候,我们都必须做一些自己不想做的事,”她温柔的说,“就算那些事刚开始看起来很陌生,又令人害怕。可是只要你去上学,就会爱上学校。” "You&`&ll make new friends. And play with new toys." “你会交到新朋友,玩新的玩具。” "Read new books. And swing on new swing. Besides," she added. "I know a wonderful secret that will make your nights at school seem as warm and cozy as your days at home." “看新的书,荡新的秋千。”她接着说,“还有,我知道一个很棒的秘密,让你晚上在学校,可以和白天在家里一样温暖又舒服。” Chester wiped away his tears and looked interested. "A secret? What kind of secret? ‘’ 奇奇擦干眼泪,好奇地看着妈妈。“秘密?什么秘密?” “A very old secret," said Mrs. Raccoon. "I learned it from my mother, and she learned it from hers. It&`&s called the Kissing Hand.” “一个非常古老的秘密,”浣熊妈妈说,“是我外婆告诉我妈妈,我妈妈再告诉我的。它就是‘魔法亲亲’。” "The Kissing Hand!”asked Chester.”What&`&s that?" “魔法亲亲?”奇奇问,“什么是‘魔法亲亲’?” "I&`&ll show you." Mrs. Raccoon took Chester&`&s left hand and spread open his tiny fingers into a fan. Leaning forward, she kissed Chester right in the middle of his palm. “注意看哦!“浣熊妈妈拉起奇奇的左手,把他的小小的手指全部摊开,然后身体微微向前倾,在奇奇的手掌心亲了一下。 Chester felt his mother&`&s kiss rush from his hand, up his arm, and into his heart. Even his silky, black mask tingled with a special warmth. 奇奇觉得妈妈的亲亲,从他的手掌心很快地冲上手臂,钻进心里。就连他毛茸茸的黑脸颊,也感受到一种特别的温暖。 Mrs. Raccoon smiled. "Now" she told Chester "whenever you feel lonely, and need a little loving from home, just press your hand to your cheek and think, "Mommy loves you. Mommy loves you." And that very kiss will jump to your face and fill you with toasty warm thoughts." 浣熊妈妈笑着对奇奇说:“从现在开始,你觉得孤单和需要家的关爱时,只要把手贴在脸颊上,心里想着:‘妈妈爱你,妈妈爱你。’这个亲亲就会跳到你的脸上,让你觉得温暖又舒服。" She took Chester&`&s hand and carefully wrapped his fingers around the kiss. "Now, do be careful not to lose it," she teased him. "But don&`&t worry. When you open your hand and wash your food, I promise the kiss will stick." 浣熊妈妈拉着奇奇的手,用他的手指把那个亲亲小心地包起来。“千万别搞丢喔,”她开玩笑地对奇奇说,“不过别担心,你张开手洗食物的时候,我保证那个亲亲会一直黏在你手上。” Chester loved his kissing hand. Now he knew his mother&`&s love would go with him wherever he went. Even to school. 奇奇好喜欢他的“魔法亲亲”。现在,他知道不管自己去哪里,妈妈的爱都会和他在一起,就算去学校也是一样。 That night Chester stood in front of the school and looked thoughtful. Suddenly, he turned to his mother and grinned 那天晚上,奇奇站在学校前面,边看边想。突然,他转过身对妈妈笑一笑。 "Give me your hand" he told her. “把你的手给我。”他对妈妈说。 Chester took his mother&`&s hand in his own and unfolded her large familiar fingers into a fan. Next, he leaned forward and kissed the center of her hand. 奇奇拉着妈妈的手,把那些又大又熟悉的手指全部摊开。接着,他微微向前倾,在妈妈的手掌心亲了一下。 "Now you have a Kissing Hand too," he told her. And with a gentle “Good-bye” and "I love you”, Chester turned and danced away. “现在,你也有‘魔法亲亲‘了。”他对妈妈说。然后,奇奇轻声说了声“再见”和“我爱你”,便转过身,蹦蹦跳跳地离开了。 Mrs. Raccoon watched Chester scamper across a tree limb and enter school. And as the hoot owl rang in the new school year, she pressed her left hand to her cheek and smiled. 浣熊妈妈看着奇奇跳过树枝,进入学校。猫头鹰呜呜呜唱,宣布新学年开始的时候,浣熊妈妈把自己的左手贴在脸颊上,忍不住露出了微笑。 The warmth of Chester&`&s kiss filled her heart with special words. 奇奇温暖的亲亲化作特别的话语,充满她的心中, "Chester loves you." it sang. "Chester loves you." 仿佛在说:“奇奇爱你,奇奇爱你。” I Love You 我爱你 录制,策划: 嘉欣,洋子,Lisa, 制作:永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有