纯享版 | 一平方英寸的寂静 · 永清

纯享版 | 一平方英寸的寂静 · 永清

2018-11-01    03'28''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第284期 主播:永清 坐标:北京 《一平方英寸的寂静》节选 作者:戈登·汉普顿、约翰·葛洛斯曼 译者:陈雅云 Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything. It lives here, profoundly, at One Square Inch in the Hoh Rain Forest. 寂静并不是指某样事物不存在,而是指万物都存在的情况。它深刻地存在于霍河雨林里,我称之为“一平方英寸的寂静”的地方。 It is the presence of time, undisturbed. It can be felt within the chest. Silence nurtures our nature, our human nature, and let us know who we are. 它就像时间一样,不受干扰地存在着。我们只要敞开胸怀,就能感受得到。寂静滋养我们的本质,人类的本质,让我们明白自己是谁。 Left with a more receptive mind and a more attuned ear, we become better listeners not only to nature but to each other. 等我们的心灵变得更乐于接纳事物,耳朵变得更加敏锐后,我们不只会更善于聆听大自然的声音,也更容易倾听彼此的心声。 Silence can be carried like embers from a fire. Silence can be found, and silence can find you. 寂静就像炭火的余烬般能够传播。我们找得到它,而它也找得到我们。 Silence can be lost and also recovered. But silence cannot be imagined, although most people think so. To experience the soul-swelling wonder of silence, you must hear it. 寂静有可能失去,却也能够复得。尽管大多数人以为寂静是可以想象出来的,其实不然。要体验寂静使心灵富足的奇迹,一定要先听得到它。 Silence is a sound, many, many sounds. I’ve heard more than I can count. 寂静其实是一种声音,也是许多、许多种声音。我听过的寂静,就多得无法计数。 Silence is the moonlit song of the coyote signing the air, and the answer of its mate. 草原狼对着夜空长嚎的月光之歌,是一种寂静;而它们伴侣的回应,也是一种寂静。 It is the falling whisper of snow that will later melt with an astonishing reggae rhythm so crisp that you will want to dance to it. 寂静是落雪的低语,等雪融后又会化成令人惊讶的雷鬼节奏,琤琤琮琮地让人想闻声起舞。 It is the sound of pollinating winged insects vibrating soft tunes as they defensively dart in and out of the pine boughs to temporarily escape the breeze, a mix of insect hum and pine sigh that will stick with you all day. 寂静是传授花粉的昆虫拍扑翅膀时带起的柔和曲调,当它们为了躲避一时微风小心翼翼在松枝间穿梭时,虫鸣与松林的叹息交织成一片,可以整天都在你耳边回响。 Silence is the passing flock of chestnut-backed chickadees and red-breasted nuthatches, chirping and fluttering, reminding you of your own curiosity. 寂静也是一群飞掠而过的栗背山雀和红胸,啁啁啾瞅、拍拍扑扑的声音,惹得人好奇不已。 ▎好书推荐 《一平方英寸的寂静》,出版社:商务印书馆,豆瓣评分:8.0 ▎主播介绍 永清:喜欢在声音的世界里和你相遇 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有