诗意千寻 · Dreamer

诗意千寻 · Dreamer

2021-10-13    04'17''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第431期  主播:Dreamer What Is A Poem? 《诗意千寻》 作者:张海燕, 翻译:张海燕    I ask myself, what is a poem? 自问,诗意何处寻? Silence is the only response. 万物皆寂寥。 Breathing gentle wind in spring morning, 春日清晨,微风拂面 I try to find a poem, 寻诗意 Only birds are singing, willow catkins are floating. 百鸟争鸣,柳絮纷飞 Wondering in a grove on summer night, 夏日长夜,小径漫步 I try to find a poem, 寻诗意 Stars are shining, whisper is flowing. 星光点点,低语呢喃 Standing on the street side in autumn days, 秋日午后,驻立街边 I try to find a poem, 寻诗意 Colorful leaves are dancing, clouds are walking. 秋叶飘摇,白云悠游 Walking on the snow in winter morning, 冬日晨曦,轻踏白雪 I try to find a poem, 寻诗意 Seeing everything in white, I find the answer. 见万物皆白雪皑皑 That everything is a poem. 却惊现诗意。 Dreamer:大学教师 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有