如果明天到来,我却已经不在 · 永清

如果明天到来,我却已经不在 · 永清

2021-10-21    07'13''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第432期 主播:永清 If Tomorrow Starts Without Me 《如果明天到来,我却已经不在》 作者:David Romano When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see, 如果明天我已不在 太阳照常升起,照亮你闪耀的双眸 If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me, 那为我而滴落的晶莹充斥着你的眼眶 我无法见证这一切 I wish so much you wouldn't cry 但是我希望你不要哭泣 The way you did today, While thinking of the many things, We didn't get to say. 我会想到你今时今日为我所付出的一切 不必事事说出口 I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, And each time that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too. 我知道你爱我 就如同我爱你一模一样 我也知道 每当你想起我,思念就窜上心头 But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand 倘若明天我真已不在 请理解 That an angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand 那是天使呼唤了我, 并拉着我的手 And said my place was ready In heaven far above 她对我说, 在遥远的天堂,有我的一方沃土 And that I'd have to leave behind All those I dearly love. 而我却不得不忍痛割爱 离开这里我深爱的一切 But as I turned to walk away, A tear fell from my eye 但是在我转身离开的一刹那 泪水顺着我的脸颊下落 For all my life, I'd always thought, I didn't want to die 我这一生都反复思量 我不想逝去 I had so much to live for, And so much left yet to do 我有无数个活下去的理由 我有千万件还没了却的事 It seemed almost impossible, That I was leaving you 这怎么可能 我就要这样离开你了 I thought of all the yesterdays The good ones and the bad 我回想着昨日的一切 好的也罢,坏的也好 I thought of all the love we shared, And all the fun we had 我回想起我们共同拥有的爱 我们相聚在一起的幸福时光 If I could re-live yesterday, Just even for a while 如果我有机会可以让昨天重新来过 哪怕只有短短的一瞬 I'd say goodbye and kiss you, And maybe see you smile 我将会亲吻着你向你道别 再看着你脸上的微笑 But then I fully realized, That this could never be 可我忽然意识到 这只是一种奢望 For emptiness and memories, would take the place of me 我将永远与空虚和回忆作伴 And when I thought of worldly things, I might miss come tomorrow 每当我想念世俗 我便深深期待明天 I thought of you, and when I did, My heart was filled with sorrow. 我想你,念你 满心哀伤 But when I walked through Heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. 然而当我走过天堂的大门 忽觉好似回到了家 When God looked down and smiled at me, He said, this is eternity, And all I've promised you 上帝低头向我微笑 他告诉我,这就是永恒 就是我为你许下的一切 Today your life on earth is past But here life starts anew. 今日你在地球上的生命成为了过去 然而在这将是一个新的开始 I promise no tomorrow, But today will always last. And since each day's the same, There's no longing for the past 不会再有明天 今天即是永恒 日日相同 无所留恋 You have been so faithful, So trusting, and so true Though there were times you did some things, you knew you shouldn't do 尽管你也曾做过不该做之事 但你依然忠诚、可靠、真实 But you have been forgiven, And now at last you're free 你已被赦免 终归自由 So won't you come and take my hand And share my life with me? 所以,你不想来牵我的手 和我一起生活吗? So when tomorrow starts without me, Don't think we're far apart 所以,如果明天我已不在 千万别认为我们相距甚远 For every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart 每一次当你想起我的时候 我就在你的内心深处 永清:毕业于西安外国语大学 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有