My Way | 如何度过这一生才不会后悔 · 永清

My Way | 如何度过这一生才不会后悔 · 永清

2022-03-30    04'38''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第454期 主播:永清 2022年3月,MU5375航班牵动着所有人的心,突如其来的灾难夺走了132条鲜活的生命。同年的3月,我的一位家人从确诊肝癌晚期到去世,不到一个月的时间。生命充满变化和无常,我们无法控制灾难,意外和疾病,但我们可以拥有面对这一切的勇气。当生命走到尽头,怎么样度过这一生才不会后悔?接下来,我想为你读的是Frank Sinatra的My Way. And now, the end is near; 此刻,末日将临 And so I face the final curtain. 我将面临人生落幕 My friend, I'll say it clear, 朋友,我将知无不言 I'll state my case, of which I'm certain. 向你讲述我所铭记的经历 I've lived a life that's full. 我度过了充实的一生 I've traveled each and every highway; 历经无数坎坷 And more, much more than this, 更重要的是 I did it my way. 用我自己的方式 Regrets, I've had a few; 遗憾总是存在 But then again, too few to mention. 细细回想,不值一提 I did what I had to do, 我做了一切该做的事 And saw it through without exemption. 只为心安,不求赦免 I planned each charted course; 我规划了每一段人生 Each careful step along the byway, 谨慎执着,步步思量 But more, much more than this, 然而并不止于此 I did it my way. 我用我自己的方式 Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew 你知道的,有些时候 When I bit off more than I could chew. 我曾背负不能承受之重 But through it all, when there was doubt, 自始至终,即使满心困惑 I ate it up and spit it out. 我还是克服并战胜了它 I faced it all and I stood tall; 挺直身躯,勇敢面对 And did it my way. 用我自己的方式 I've loved, I've laughed and cried. 我曾爱过,哭过,笑过 I've had my fill; my share of losing. 曾经满足,也曾经失落 And now, as tears subside, 如今,悲哀粉碎 I find it all so amusing. 我发现一切竟如此自然 To think I did all that; 想到我做过的一切 And may I say - not in a shy way, 我可以毫不羞愧的说 "Oh no, oh no not me, 我从未虚度生活 I did it my way". 并用我自己的方式成就了它 For what is a man, what has he got? 何为完人,我们又拥有什么? If not himself, then he has naught. 除却此身,别无他物 To say the things he truly feels; 自然吐露感情 And not the words of one who kneels. 而不是虚伪谄媚 The record shows I took the blows 时间证明,历尽磨难 And did it my way 我做到了 Yes, it was my way 竭尽所能,完成我的人生。 每天,我都会告诉自己当生命走到尽头,自己最在意的关系和最有价值的时刻是什么,时刻记住自己的最终目的。解决每一个问题,寻找最好的方案,挑战新的事情,并且长期坚持,我的人生由我自己决定。I did my way. 主播介绍 永清:毕业于西安外国语大学,现居云南 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,为你读我们喜欢的美文。