走,跟梭罗采野果去 · 永清

走,跟梭罗采野果去 · 永清

2022-11-16    08'38''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第480期 主播:永清,坐标:云南 ·蒙自 大多数人因为《瓦尔登湖》知道梭罗,容易误读梭罗,以为他是个隐士,抬头只看星空,低头只看湖水,平眼里只有瓦尔登树林,这一来反而忽略了《瓦尔登湖》记录的是如何更好观察,分析,研究从自然界里得来的音讯、阅历和经验。 《野果》能让我们更明白他多么热爱生命,而他的学养、天赋和明达又使他在热情欣赏自然的同时能深刻理解人与自然的关系,我们可以会意到:每个人心中都有一盏灯,如果愿意点亮,就能有从平凡生活中获取更多喜悦,也会有更多经验,生命于是得以扩展。 欢迎来到为你读英语美文,和我们一起进入梭罗的世界,我是永清,刚才我为你读的这段文字来自梭罗的作品Wild Fruits《野果》的序言,序言的作者是石定乐,他也是这本书的译者,特别感谢我们的老朋友六月小阳整理稿件。 Walnuts 各种核桃 This is the time for our best walnuts, the smallest or pignuts, say the last of October. Got some and a half shelled. I did not wish to slight any of Nature's gifts. I am partial to the peculiar and wholesome sweetness of a nut, and I think that some time is profitably spent every autumn in gathering even such as our pignuts. Some of them are a very sizeable, rich- looking, and palatable fruit. 十月底了——可以摘到最好的核桃,也就是最小的那种光滑山核桃。捡得一些,有其中一半都是圆果。我不想怠慢任何来自大自然的馈赠。我偏爱核桃那种清甜、香醇的味道。甚至认为即使把年年秋天都用来捡最小的光滑山核桃也很划算。有些核桃个儿大,堂皇华贵,味道又好。 How can we expect to understand Nature unless we accept like children these her smallest gifts, valuing them more as her gifts than for their intrinsic value. I love to get my basket full, however small and comparatively worthless the nut. It takes very severe frosts, and sun and wind thereafter, to kill and open the shells so that the nuts will drop out. 大自然给予的每一份礼物,哪怕再小也应怀着赤子之心欣然接受·并且能更多看到礼物背后的意涵而非物质的价值,进而真正明白大自然的心意。就算小核桃没大颗的好,我也愿意装满篮子带回家。要经过多次严酷的霜冻,曝晒,寒风阵阵吹打,那些核桃才能从圆果里蹦到地上来。 Black Huckleberry 黑越橘 If you look closely you will find blueberry and huckleberry bushes under your feet, though they may be feeble and barren, throughout all our woods, the most preserving Native Americans, ready to shoot up into place and power at the next election among the plants, ready to reclothe the hills when man has laid them bare and feed all kinds of pensioners. 只要稍加留意,就能发现你身边处处有蓝莓和越橘树丛,就算枝干瘦小或是结果稀少,但任何小树林边、未被开发的原住民保留地上,都有它们,随时准备发芽长枝和其他植物们一起争高下。人们为了获得各种利益砍光山林,又正是它们重新将秃岭披上新绿。 What though the woods be cut down; it appears that this emergency was long ago anticipated and provided for by Nature, and the interregnum is not allowed to be a barren one. 无论什么样的树林被砍伐后,它们就聚跟著冒出繁茂的枝条,正是为了不让任何土地裸露而生生不息,所精心预备的造化。 She not only begins to heal that scar, but she compensates us for the loss and refreshes us with fruits such as the forest did not produce. As the sandal wood is said to diffuse a perfume around the woodman who cuts it, so in this case Nature rewards with unexpected fruits the hand that lays her waste. 大自然这位母亲不但用它及时修复大地上的创口伤疤,还用它来补偿我们。既然森林不再了,那就用它们为我们提供美食吧。就像檀香树用香气使来砍伐的人如痴如醉,大自然即使是对糟蹋资源的人也予以这种意想不到的回报。 I state this to show how contented and thankful we ought to be. 我说了这些,只是想提醒我们应该对此感到满足与感激。 读一本好书犹如行一段美妙旅程,旅行结束后,虽然你的空间看起来还是那样,但微妙的变化从而产生,我们的思考和行动也多少会有些变化,读这本书也有如走上一段旅程,不会有波澜壮阔、惊险曲折,却会令人回味,还会有无数小小乐趣和收获,因为我们的导游和同伴是梭罗。这本书里的梭罗与《瓦尔登湖》的哲人相比更像个可亲可爱的游伴和植物学老师,听他娓娓道来,觉得身边一切草木可爱和谐宝贵,原来生命就是这样相互依靠、相互扶持。梭罗通过分享他在自然里的喜悦和充实,唤醒了我们对自然和生命的感恩。 ▎主播介绍 永清: 北漂11年,现居云南 后期制作:永清 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。