远处的青山 A Green Hill Far Away · Susie

远处的青山 A Green Hill Far Away · Susie

2023-01-04    08'05''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第486期 主播:Susie,坐标:浙江 · 杭州 A Green Hill Far Away 《远处的青山》节选 作者:John Galsworthy And the flight of birds, the gulls and rooks and little brown wavering things which flit out and along the edge of the chalk-pits, is once more refreshment to me, utterly untempered. A merle is singing in a bramble thicket; the dew has not yet dried off the bramble leaves. A feather of a moon floats across the sky; the distance sends forth homely murmurs; the sun warms my cheeks. And all of this is pure joy. No hawk of dread and horror keeps swooping down and bearing off the little birds of happiness. No accusing conscience starts forth and beckons me away from pleasure. Everywhere is supreme and flawless beauty. 天空中各种禽鸟的飞翔,海鸥、白鸭嘴以及那些往来徘徊于白垩坑边的棕色小东西对我都是欣慰,它们是那样自由自在,不受拘束。一只乌鸫正鸣啭在黑莓丛中,那里夜间还晨露未干。天际浮着一轮轻如羽毛的月亮;远方传来熟悉的天籁之音;而阳光暖暖地照射在 我的脸颊。这一切都是多么愉快。这里见不到凶猛可怕的鹰飞扑而下,把那些快乐的小鸟攫去。这里不再有歉疚不安的良心把我从这逸乐之中唤走。到处都是无限美丽,完美无瑕。 And yet the “green hill,” where dwell beauty and kindliness, is still far away. Will it ever be nearer? Men have fought even on this green hill where I am lying. By the rampart markings on its chalk and grass, it has surely served for an encampment. The beauty of day and night, the lark's song, the sweet-scented growing things, the rapture of health, and of pure air, the majesty of the stars, and the gladness of sunlight, of song and dance and simple friendliness, have never been enough for men. We crave our turbulent fate. Can wars, then, ever cease? 然而那美与仁爱所在的“青山”离我们还很遥远。它会走近些吗?人们甚至在我正躺着的这座青山上也打过仗。根据白垩岩层与草地上的堡垒的痕迹,这里肯定曾宿过士兵。白昼与夜晚的美好,云雀的欢歌,香花与芳草,健康的欢乐,空气的纯净,星辰的庄严,阳光的和煦,还有那轻歌与曼舞,淳朴的友情,这一切都是我们渴求不厌的,可人们却偏偏渴求那浊流般的命运。战争能永远终止吗? It is happiness greater than I have known for four years and four months, to lie here and let that thought go on its wings, quiet and free as the wind stealing soft from the sea, and blessed as the sunlight on this green hill. 这是四年零四个月以来我从未领略过的快乐。我躺在草地上,思想插上翅膀,那安宁和自由如海面上轻轻袭来的和风,那幸福如这座青山上的明媚阳光。 ▎主播介绍 Susie: 毕业于美国杜兰大学,现居杭州,从事审计工作 文案:Susie, 后期制作:永清 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,和你分享我们喜欢的美文。我们的公众号是: “为你读英语美文”。