双语版 | 琼瑶「最后一封信」·DD

双语版 | 琼瑶「最后一封信」·DD

2024-12-11    13'15''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第514期 主播:DD 录制地点:美国·洛杉矶 各位亲爱的朋友知音们: To My Dearest Friends and Kindred Spirits, 不要哭,不要伤心,不要为我难过。我已经「翩然」的去了! Do not weep, do not grieve, and do not be saddened by my departure. I have taken my leave, light and unburdened, with graceful ease. 「翩然」是我最喜欢的两个字,代表的是「自主、自在、自由」的「飞翔」,优美而「轻盈」,我摆脱了逐渐让我痛苦的躯壳,「翩然」的化为雪花飞去了! "Graceful ease"—these two words are my favorite. They embody autonomy, freedom, and carefree. It is lightness and elegance. I have shed the body that brought me growing pain and sorrow, and I have transformed into snowflakes, drifting away with effortless grace. 这是我的愿望,「死亡」是每个人必经之路,也是最后一件「大事」。我不想听天由命,不想慢慢枯萎凋零,我想为这最后的大事「作主」。 This has been my wish. "Death" is the inevitable journey we all must take, the final chapter of life. I refuse to surrender to fate, to wither and decay slowly. I want to take charge of this last, most significant event. 上苍对于生命的过程,设计得不是很好。当人老了,都要经过一段很痛苦的「衰弱、退化、生病、出入医院、治疗、不治」的时间,这段时间,可长可短,对于必将老死的人,是多大的折磨!万一不幸,还可能成为依赖「插管维生」的「卧床老人」!我曾经目睹那种惨状。我不要那样的「死亡」。 Life, as designed by the heavens, is flawed. When we age, we are subjected to a grueling decline—weakness, deterioration, illness, hospital visits, treatments, and ultimately, futility. This period can stretch endlessly, a torment for one destined to die. And if misfortune strikes, one might even endure the indignity of being confined to a bed, sustained only by tubes and machines. I have witnessed such agony, and I choose not to endure such an end. 我是「火花」,我己尽力燃烧过。如今,当火焰将熄之前,我选择这种方式,翩然归去。我要说的话,都录在我《当雪花飘落》的视频里了。希望我的朋友们,多看几次视频,了解我想表达的一切。 I am a spark, and I have burned brightly. Now, as my flame dims, I choose to leave gracefully and freely. All I wish to say is captured in my video, When Snowflakes Fall. My dear friends, I hope you will watch it many times and come to understand all that I wish to convey. 朋友们,不要为我的「死亡」悲哀,为我笑吧!生命的美好,就在于「能爱,能恨、能笑,能哭、能歌、能说、能跑、能动、能红尘作伴、活得潇潇洒洒,能嫉恶如仇,活得轰轰烈烈……」这些,我都在有生之年,拥有过了!我「活过」了,不曾辜负此生! Friends, do not mourn my passing. Celebrate me with joy! The beauty of life lies in its ability to love and hate, laugh and cry, sing and speak, run and move, revel in companionship, and live boldly and freely. To despise injustice, to live passionately—these are the essence of existence. I have embraced them all in my lifetime. I have truly lived and have no regrets. 我最放不下的,就是家人和你们。「爱」紧紧的系着我心,你们都是我最最不舍的。为了让我的灵魂(不知道人类有没有灵魂),也能「翩然」,大家为我笑、为我高歌、为我飞舞吧!我在天之灵,会与你们「共舞」的! What I cannot bear to leave behind is my family and you. Love ties my heart to you all—it is the hardest bond to sever. For my soul (if indeed souls exist) to depart with ease, I ask that you smile for me, sing for me, dance for me. In heaven, my spirit will dance alongside yours. 别了!我至爱的你们!庆幸此生,曾经和你们相遇相知。 Farewell, my most beloved ones. How fortunate I have been to know you, to cross paths with you in this life. 注意,我「死亡」的方式,是在我生命的终站实行的!年轻的你们,千万不要轻易放弃生命,一时的挫折打击,可能是美好生命中的「磨练」,希望你们经得起磨练,像我一样,活到八十六、七岁,体力不支时,再来选择如何面对死亡。但愿那时,人类已经找到很人道的方式,来帮助「老人」们,快乐的「归去」! Please note: the way I chose to leave is reserved for the final station of my life. To those of you who are young, never give up easily on life. Moments of hardship and despair are often trials that shape a beautiful life. May you persevere, as I have, and live to the age of eighty-six or beyond. Only then, when strength wanes, should you ponder how to embrace death. Perhaps by then, humanity will have found a compassionate way to aid the elderly in their peaceful departure. 亲爱的你们,要勇敢,要活出强大的「自我」,不要辜负来世间一趟!这世间,虽然不是十全十美,也有各种意外的喜怒哀乐!别错过那些属于你的精彩! My dear ones, be strong and live a life of fulfillment. Do not squander your time on this earth. Though life is far from perfect, it is filled with moments of unexpected joy, sorrow, anger, and laughter. Do not miss the brilliance that belongs to you. 千言万语说不尽,最后,祝福大家健康快乐,活得潇潇洒洒! There are endless words I could say, but in the end, I wish you health, happiness, and a life lived with grace and freedom. 琼瑶写于淡水双映楼 2024、12、3 With all my love, Farewell