权游 | 怒火燎原 · 雲昊

权游 | 怒火燎原 · 雲昊

2019-04-22    04'39''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第309期 权游 | 怒火燎原 主播: 雲昊 坐标:奥地利·格拉茨 为了帮助你更好地看懂《权力的游戏》,我们精心策划了《权力的游戏:历史与传说》系列节目,今天,雲昊要为你读的是《怒火燎原》。 怒火燎原(Field of Fire)是伊耿一世发动的征服战争中最重要的一役。这是历史上唯一一次坦格利安家族同时投入全部的三条巨龙。瓦格哈尔、米拉西斯和贝勒里恩活活烧死了近4,000人。孟恩九世阵亡,他的园丁家族也覆灭了。联军溃败,伊耿赢得了胜利。 “征服者”伊耿于现在被称为君临的地方登陆,并开征服七大王国。 The Field of Fire 怒火燎原 来源:Game of Thrones: Histories and Lore,翻译:人人影视 The days of the Andals were numbered. One by one, their so-called kings were bending the knee or facing the wrath of Aegon Targaryen. Aegon of Old Valyria, Aegon who was "blood of the dragon". 安达尔人气数将尽。曾经的诸王不是陆续屈膝称臣便要面对伊耿· 坦格利安的屠戮。来自古老瓦雷利亚的伊耿身上流淌着真龙的血液。 After defeating the ironmen at Harrenhal and slaying the last of the Storm Kings, Aegon and his sisters, Rhaenys and Visenya, set their sights on other prizes - the gold mines of the Rock and the fertile lands of the Reach. 继击溃赫伦堡铁民和杀死最后一位风暴国王之后,伊耿和他的姊妹雷妮丝和维桑尼亚将目光投向其他宝地 – 凯岩城的金矿以及河湾国的沃土。 King Loren Lannister of the Rock and King Mern Gardener of the Reach foolishly thought their combined armies could beat back the Targaryen host. They rode forth together, their proud banners flapping in the wind, and faced off against Aegon in a vast golden field of wheat. The two kings commanded a massive force of nearly 60,000, and it appeared the day was theirs. 凯岩王罗伦兰尼斯特与河湾王孟恩园丁愚蠢地认为二人联手必能力挫坦格利安大军。他们并肩进军,骄傲的战旗在风中猎猎飘扬,在广袤的金黄麦田上,他们遭遇了伊耿。双王麾下将近六万人,看似志在必得。 Until Aegon unleashed all three of his dragons, for the first and only time. Each beast was named after the Valyrian gods of Aegon’s forefathers. Visenya rode Vhagar, whose fiery breath could melt armor. Rhaenys rode Meraxes, whose jaws were big enough to swallow a horse whole. 直到伊耿第一次也是最后一次将三只龙悉数放出。每只龙都以伊耿祖先所信奉的瓦雷利亚神邸命名。 维桑尼亚所骑的是瓦格哈尔,它那炙热的气息能融化盔甲。 雷妮丝所骑的米拉西斯,其血盆大口可以吞下整匹马。 The greatest of all… was Balerion the Black Dread, with fire dark as night and wings so huge, whole towns were covered in shadow when he flew overhead. This magnificent creature was ridden by Aegon himself. 而体型最巨大的当属“黑死神”贝勒里恩,它喷吐的烈焰漆黑如夜双翼硕大无朋,振翅腾空时阴影足可遮没整座城镇。这头巨兽由伊耿亲自驾驭。 4,000 men were bathed in glorious dragonflame that day, on what came to be known as the Field of Fire. King Mern was among the dead, and House Gardener died with him. His stewards, the Tyrells, surrendered his ancestral stronghold of Highgarden to Aegon, and were appointed Lords Paramount of the Reach and Wardens of the South. 四千人被那炫目的龙焰烧成灰烬,这场战役史称“怒火燎原”。孟恩王陨于沙场,园丁家族随之覆灭。他的总管提利尔家族,将其祖居的高庭献给伊耿,并因此受封为河湾王和南境守护。 When Loren Lannister witnessed Mern’s fate, he wisely bent the knee. Aegon spared Loren’s life and the Lannisters were made Lords Paramount of the Westerlands and Wardens of the West. 罗伦兰尼斯特目睹孟恩的命运,明智的选择屈膝称臣。伊耿赦免了罗伦,并封兰尼斯特家族为西境之王和西境守护。 After his triumph on the Field of Fire, Aegon’s conquest was assured. In a short time, the so-called Seven Kingdoms were melted down in the heat of the dragons’ flame and transformed into a single realm. Aegon would forever be known… as Aegon the Conqueror. 怒火燎原一役结束后,伊耿胜局已定。一时之间,所谓七大王国悉数臣服于巨龙的烈焰,统一为一国。伊耿将永远被世人铭记为——征服者伊耿。  ▎主播介绍 雲昊:软件工程博士后,现居奥地利 策划,制作:雲昊 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有