权游 | 史塔克家族 · 永清

权游 | 史塔克家族 · 永清

2019-05-06    05'08''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第311期 权力的游戏 | 史塔克家族 主播:永清 坐标:北京 House Stark 史塔克家族 来源: Game of Thornes: Histories & Lore, 翻译:永清 The Starks of Winterfell trace their descent to the First Men in the Age of Heroes. The family&`&s founder was Brandon the Builder who, in the aftermath of the Long Night, helped establish the Night&`&s Watch. 临冬城史塔克家族的族系可以追溯到英雄纪元时期的先民。这个家族的鼻祖“筑城者”布兰登,在长夜笼罩之中,协助创立了守夜人军团。 Legend has it, he enlisted the aid of giants and the powerful magic of the Children of the Forest to raise the mighty Wall, which has protected the realm for generations. He went on to build the ancestral seat of Winterfell, and reigned as the first King in the North. 传说,在巨人族和拥有强大法力的森林之子的帮助下,布兰登建造了绝境长城,庇佑了疆域上的一代又一代人。他建造了临冬城,世袭于此,成为北境的第一位王。 The Starks reigned as kings for thousands of years, even withstanding the invasion of the Andals. As the southern kingdoms fell, and the Children were driven away, the North stood strong - maintaining its religious customs and its way of life. 在之后长达几千年中,史塔克家族都是北境之王,甚至抵御住了安达尔人的入侵。随着南境王国的衰落,森林之子被驱逐,北境日益强大,保持着自己的宗教传统和生活方式。 Eventually, the reign of the Kings of Winter came to an end with the coming of Aegon the Conqueror. 最终,随着“征服者”伊耿的入侵,北境之王的统治终结。 After Aegon and his dragons destroyed the armies of the Reach and the Rock, at the Field of Fire, King Torrhen Stark bent the knee and swore fealty to the Targaryen dynasty in order to spare the destruction of Winterfell and his people. 在怒火燎原之战中,伊耿和他的龙摧毁了河湾地的军队,北境之王托伦·史塔克为了赦免临冬城的百姓,向坦格利安王朝屈膝臣服。 He was forever after known as "the King Who Knelt". As a reward for his submission, Aegon named Torrhen Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. 他永远成为了为人所知的“降服王”。作为投降的奖励,伊耿封托伦·史塔克为临冬城主和北境守护。 The Starks take great pride in their history and traditions. It is one of the few noble houses that still keeps the Old Gods, a sacred weirwood lives large in Winterfell&`&s godswood. 史塔克家族为他们的历史和传统引以为豪。他们也是为数不多的信奉旧神的显赫家族之一,旧神存在于临冬城神木林中的鱼梁木。 Its ancestral sword, Ice, was forged in ancient Valyria and passed down through the generations. House Stark remains steadfast in its support of the Night&`&s Watch, even as the once illustrious order has fallen on hard times. 他们祖传的宝剑“寒冰”铸造于古老的瓦雷利亚,世代相传。史塔克家族一直忠实拥护守夜人军团,即使在光辉不再的困难时期。 Much like their sigil, the grey direwolf, House Stark is the stuff of legend in the North and throughout the Seven Kingdoms...and their family words, "Winter is Coming " serve as a reminder of their beginnings...in the wake of the Long Night and a grim portent of things to come. 就像他们的族徽,一只灰色的冰原狼,史塔克家族是北境和七国的传奇…他们的族语“凛冬将至”时刻保持警惕…长夜和酷寒将至。 ▎主播介绍 永清:喜欢摄影,旅行和在声音的世界里和你相遇 主播,制作:永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有