权游 | 坦格利安家族 · 孟飞

权游 | 坦格利安家族 · 孟飞

2019-05-22    05'30''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第314期 权力的游戏 |坦格利安家族 讲述者:孟飞 《权力的游戏》迎来了大结局,我们策划的《权力的游戏:历史与传说》系列节目也迎来了最后一集。 今天,孟飞要为你讲述的是坦格利安家族的故事。坦格利安家族是《权力的游戏》中主要家族,他们统治维斯特洛三个多世纪。电视剧里的大部分故事都是围绕着疯王的女儿-龙妈展开。这也是《权力的游戏》中被神话环绕的一个家族,因为他们与龙有关。 House Targaryen 坦格利安家族 来源:Game of Thrones: Histories and Lore,翻译:永清 The Targaryen dynasty united the Seven Kingdoms and lasted nearly three centuries. It was a dynasty forged in fire, sealed in blood - and destroyed by rebellion. 坦格利安王朝统治七国近三个世纪,这是一个在火中铸成,带着血的烙印,在叛乱中消亡的王朝。 The Targaryens are blood of the dragon, descended from the nobility of ancient Valyria, a once mighty empire in the east. When the cataclismic Doom laid waste of Valyria and its people, the Targaryens survived - having settled in the island fortress of Dragonstone years before. They remained there for a century, until the rise of Aegon the Conqueror. 坦格利安家族是龙的血脉,是一个曾经的东方强大帝国-古老的瓦雷利亚的贵族后裔。当“末日浩劫”将瓦雷利亚和它的人民夷为灰烬的时候,坦格利安人幸存下来了,他们早就在龙石岛这座岛屿军事基地定居下来。 Instead of attempting to reclaim the eastern lands of his ancestors, Aegon sailed west for the Seven Kingdoms - his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys at his side. To keep their bloodlines pure, Aegon continued the custom of his Valyrian ancestors and took both of his sisters to wives. 而非试图收回他们祖先曾经的东境,伊耿航行到了西境的七国,他的姐妹维桑尼亚和雷妮丝在侧。为了保持血统纯正,伊耿延续了瓦雷利亚祖先的传统,和姐妹成婚。 Together, they came ashore on the eastern coast of Westeros. Their blazon: a dragon with three heads, representing Aegon and his sister-wives. Their words: "Fire and Blood". 他们一起在维斯特洛的东海岸登陆,他们的纹章是一条有三个头的龙,带表了伊耿以及他的姐妹即妻子维桑尼亚和雷妮丝。他们的族语是“血火同源”。 While their host was small when compared to the armies of the Seven Kingdoms, Aegon and his sisters had a secret weapon: the last of the dragons. He conquered every kingdom, save Dorne, which eventually bowed to Targaryen rule a century later. 虽然他们和七国的军队比起来还不成规模,但伊耿和他的姐妹拥有秘密武器:最后的龙。他征服了所有王国,除了多恩,一个世纪以后,多恩最终向坦格利安称臣。 He had the swords of his enemies melted down by the fiery breath of his dragon, Balerion the Black Dread, and forged into the Iron Throne. The capital city of King's Landing was built on the eastern coast, where Aegon and his sisters first came ashore. And Aegon ordered the construction of a royal castle on its highest hill: the Red Keep. 伊耿用龙息融化了敌人的宝剑,“黑死神”贝勒里恩,铸造了铁王座。首都君临城建造在东海岸,伊耿和姐妹的首次登录之地。伊耿下令在最高的山峰-红堡,建造一座王室的城堡。 For three hundred years the Targaryen dynasty stood strong, in the face of rebellion, civil war and plague. But the line of dragon kings was broken when my father, Aerys Targaryen, the Second of His Name, was overthrown in rebellion. My father was betrayed and slaughtered by Ser Jaime Lannister, a member of his own Kingsguard. His son and heir, my brother Rhaegar, perished on the field of battle at the hands of Robert Baratheon, who claimed the Iron Throne for himself. 三百多年来,坦格利安王朝屹立不倒,无论遭遇叛乱,内战还是瘟疫。但是,当我的父亲, 伊里斯·坦格利安二世被叛乱推翻的时候,龙之王的延续中断了。我的父亲被他自己的铁卫-詹姆·兰尼斯特背叛和杀害。父亲的儿子和继承者,我的哥哥雷加·坦格利安在和劳勃·拜拉席恩的交战中死在了他的手中,劳勃后来称王。 And so today, the only surviving members of the storied Targaryen dynasty are myself, Prince Viserys - rightful King of the Andals and ruler of the Seven Kingdoms - and my sister, Daenerys. We were spirited to the Free Cities of the east by loyalists. Here, we have lived in exile ever since, dreaming of the day when we will cross the Narrow Sea and take back our father's throne. 所以到今天,故事中的坦格利安王朝的幸存者是只有我,韦赛里斯·坦格利安,安达尔的正统国王和七国的统治者—还有我的妹妹,丹妮莉丝。我们被东境自由贸易城邦的拥护着鼓舞着。虽然我们一直在逃亡,但我们梦想着有一天穿越狭海,夺回父亲的宝座。 ▎主播介绍 孟飞: 吉他,英语朗读爱好者