

2019-11-13    08'19''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第338期 英文版《贝加尔湖畔》 主播:永清 坐标:北京 《贝加尔湖畔》 作者:李健 在我的怀里,在你的眼里 In my arms, and in your eyes, 那里春风沉醉,那里绿草如茵 spring breeze there was intoxicating, and green grass there was luxuriant. 月光把爱恋,洒满了湖面 The moonlight spread love upon the lake. 两个人的篝火,照亮整个夜晚 Our bonfire lit up the whole night. 多少年以后,如云般游走 Many years later, we wandered floating as clouds.  那变换的脚步,让我们难牵手 Different life path kept us apart. 这一生一世,有多少你我 In this life, how many times were we 被吞没在月光如水的夜里 engulfed in silver moonlight night? 多想某一天,往日又重现 How I wish someday, yesterday would come back once more. 我们流连忘返,在贝加尔湖畔 We lingered along Lake Baikal. 多少年以后,往事随云走 Many years later, the past was gone with clouds.  那纷飞的冰雪容不下那温柔 The dancing snowflakes couldn’t bear the warmness. 这一生一世,这时间太少 The lifetime is too short for us 不够证明融化冰雪的深情 to prove our love is profound enough to melt the snow. 就在某一天,你忽然出现 Someday, you unexpectedly appeared. 你清澈又神秘,在贝加尔湖畔 You are pure and mysterious, by Lake Baikal. [baɪˈkɔl] 你清澈又神秘,像贝加尔湖畔 You are pure and mysterious, as Lake Baikal. 关于翻译: 参考谢侃的翻译,永清做了调整和重构 Dreamer提出合理化修改建议 ▎主播介绍 永清:毕业于西安外国语大学,喜欢旅行