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主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第339期 七个世界,一个星球 主播:永清 坐标:北京 关注Wechat:为你读英语美文,查看精美图文节目 200 million years ago, our planet looked very different from what it does today. 大约2亿年前,我们的地球看起来与今天的迥然不同。 It was entirely covered by sea, which surrounded one single super-continent, we call Pangea. 在几乎完全被海洋覆盖的地球表面,仅有一片超级大陆,人称“盘古大陆”。 And then Pangea began to break up. 之后,盘古大陆开始分裂 Life was cast adrift on fragments of land, and these fragments eventually became our seven continents. 于是,生命随着破碎的陆地板分离漂流,这些碎裂的板块最终形成了我们如今的七大洲。 We will see how life developed on each continent, giving rise to the extraordinary and wonderful diversity that we see today. 我们本次即将去探索,不同大陆如何形成了我们今天看到的各具特色而又纷繁多样的生命。 We’ll venture to the frozen wilderness of Antarctica where life thrives against the odds, and to the riches of South America full of the unexpected. 我们将深入冰雪覆盖的南极荒野探险,那里的动物们克服了极端环境,繁衍兴盛。我们将探索富饶的南美洲,那里处处充满惊喜。 From the wild of Africa, to the vast expanses of North America, and the searing heat of Australia. 还会从野性十足的非洲荒野,到北美洲的广袤土地, 再到炽热难耐的澳大利亚 We’ll explore the remote reaches of Asia, home to rarely seen creatures, and to Europe, a world transformed by humanity. 我们将踏足亚洲的偏远角落,寻找那些与世隔绝,难得一见的珍稀动物。我们将漫步欧洲,感受这个被人来改造的世界。 And we will discover how this may be the most critical moment for life on earth, since the continents formed. 我们将会发现,这或许是自七大洲形成以来,地球生命迎来的最重要时刻。 We are changing the world so rapidly that wildlife is now facing some of its greatest challenges yet. 我们正在快速改变世界,而野生动物被迫面临迄今为止最严重的挑战。 Never has it been a more important time to reveal the precious diversity of life on our seven planets. 现在到了最关键的时刻,展现七大洲多彩生命的任务变得刻不容缓。 How can I help? 首先,我们可以减少塑料用品的使用。 塑料用品无法被自然分解,很多鱼类,海豚,鲨鱼因为误吞了倾倒在海洋里的塑料垃圾,最后由于不消化而痛苦地死去。怎么样减少塑料用品的使用,有以下几个tips: 1.Bring your own bag 自己带包 2.Carry reusable water bottles and coffee cups 携带可重复使用的水瓶和咖啡杯 3.Avoid using plastic straws and cutler 避免使用塑料吸管和餐具 4.Skip plastic bags for fruit and vegetable 装水果蔬菜不用塑料袋 其次,在穿衣方面,我们只要做到不铺张浪费,就可以保护地球。 Currently, more than 150 million trees are logged to be made into clothes. Just because cotton isn’t a man-made fiber, doesn’t mean it’s sustainable. In fact, cotton has become one of the most unsustainable crops on the planet. For a start, it uses so much water to produce which contributes to the freshwater shortage across the globe. It can take 2,700 liters of water to make just one cotton t- shirt. Additionally, manufacturing cotton requires high levels of pesticides and other hazardous chemicals, which leach into waterways and soil. 目前,有超过1.5亿棵树木被砍伐,用于制作衣服。仅仅因为棉花不是人造纤维,并不意味着它是可持续的。事实上,棉花已经成为地球上最不可持续的作物之一。首先,它需要大量的水来浇灌,这导致了全球淡水短缺。一件棉T恤只需 要2700公升的水。此外,生产棉花需要大量的杀虫剂和其他有害化学物质,这些物质会渗入水道和土壤。 To really have an impact, we can simply buy less and love what we buy. 要真正地起到作用,最简单方法就是少买,喜欢我们买的衣服。 1.Exchange clothes with friends and family when you no longer want them. 当你不想要这件衣服的时候,与朋友和家人交换。 2.Repair worn out clothing and shoes rather than throwing them away. 缝补磨损的衣服和鞋子,而不是扔掉。 3.Search for sustainable brands and look into the journey products have been on. 购买使用可持续材料生产的商品 4.Buy quality items that will last longer. 购买耐用的优质商品。 再次,我们还可以通过节约食物来保护地球。 Around 1.3 billion tons of food gets wasted each year which much of it ending up in landfill and contributing to climate change. n a planet of nearly 9 billion people, we are facing food insecurity on every level and more than 820 million people don’t have enough to eat. Food waste is one of the biggest problems facing humanity today - an estimated one third of all food produced globally is lost or goes to waste. Throwing out your food can even contribute to climate change. Discarded food is often sent to landfill where it is left to rot and produce methane gas. 每年大约有13亿吨食物被浪费掉,其中大部分最终被填埋,导致气候变化。在这个拥有近90亿人口的星球上,我们正面临着各个层面的粮食安全问题,超过8.2亿人没有足够的食物。食物浪费是当今人类面临的最大问题之一——据估计, 全球生产的所有食物中有三分之一已经丢失或被浪费。扔掉食物甚至会导致气候变化。丢弃的食物通常被送到垃圾填埋场,在那里腐烂并产生甲烷气体。 What can we do about it? 我们能做点什么? 1.Shop Smart 按需采购 Many people tend to buy more than they need. Shop smart by creating a list and buy only what you need from your list. 很多人倾向于购买比他们需要得多的东西。通过创建一个清单来购物,只购买清单里你需要的东西。 2.Store Food Properly 妥善储存食物 Improper storage leads to a massive amount of food waste. Many people are unsure how to store fruits and vegetables, which can lead to premature ripening and, eventually, rotten produce. 储存不当会导致大量的食物浪费。许多人不确定如何储存水果和蔬菜,这可能导致早熟,最终,腐烂的产品。 For instance, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, cucumbers and onions should never be refrigerated. These items should be kept at room temperature. The stems of leafy greens and herbs can be submerged in water. 例如,土豆、西红柿、大蒜、黄瓜和洋葱不应该冷藏。这些物品应保存在室温下。绿叶蔬菜和草本植物的茎可以浸入水中。 3.Save Leftovers (and actually eat them too) 把剩饭剩菜留下下来(其实也要吃) Leftovers aren’t just for the holidays. If you happen to cook a lot and you regularly have leftovers, designate a day to use up any that have accumulated in the fridge. It’s a great way to avoid throwing away food. What’s more, it saves you time and money. 剩饭剩菜不只是节日时会产生。如果你碰巧做多了,而且你经常有剩菜,那么就计划一天把冰箱里的剩饭剩菜吃完。这是避免扔掉食物的好方法。更重要的是,它节省了你的时间和金钱。 --出自BBC Earth官方网站www.bbcearth.com ▎主播介绍 永清:为你读英语美文创始人 主播,制作:永清 ▎节目首发,背景音乐,图文资料,更多推送 敬请关注Wechat:为你读英语美文,ID:readenglishforyou