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主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第351期 《“候”鸟计》 主播:罗斌 坐标:深圳 The Bird Feeder “候”鸟计 作者:Gina Welhmann 翻译:梁碧滢 Last fall I hung outside my window a bird feeder. Now not knowing the first thing about wild birds, I assumed that as soon as I hung this bird feeder outside, a multitude of beautiful birds would be swooping to my new addition. Days, weeks and months went by; NO BIRDS. 去年秋天,我在窗户外挂了一个喂鸟的粮槽。我其实对野鸟的习性一窍不通,以为粮槽一挂出来,一众亮丽夺目的飞鸟就会马上朝这新装置猛扑过来。可是,日复一日,周复一周,月复一月,日子就这样过去了,还是不见鸟儿的踪影。 I asked so many people what to do? What was I doing wrong? “Nothing,” most of them replied. “Just wait.” So I waited and waited and waited, trying everything possible to attract these birds. 我问了许多人,该怎么办呢,我是不是哪里没做对?“没什么,”他们大多回答我说,“就等等吧。”于是我等啊等,边等边想办法吸引鸟儿。 I cleaned off the deck, I changed the feed. I washed the feeders. I even made the cat go out the other door! But nothing seemed to work. So...I waited, “with patience and hope.” 我清扫粮槽下的平台,更换饲料,清洗粮槽,甚至让家里的猫咪从另一个门进出!但似乎都没什么效果。那么……我只好等了,“满怀希望,耐心等待”。 Two months later, on a Saturday afternoon, I FROZE! What to my eyes had appeared on the bird feeder but the most beautiful bird I have ever seen in my life! All of a sudden hundreds upon hundreds of birds were appearing from everywhere! 两个月之后,一个周六的下午,我简直惊呆了!我有生以来见到最漂亮的一只鸟儿在粮槽上出现了!这时,数以百计的飞鸟也突然从四面八方飞来! What a beautiful lesson I learned from this little creature. “Patience and hope” and “things” will attract the beautiful things in life. I never realized how much patience I really do have and how much I do rely upon “hope” to sort out the questions in my heart. 从这小家伙的身上,我学到了宝贵的一课。“满怀希望,耐心等待”,总有“事情”会引出连串的人生妙事。过去,我从没意识到自己在面对问题时能有多大的耐心,凭借多少“希望”去解决问题。 So I keep hoping and waiting, waiting and hoping. I will try to use this “little lesson” with so many other things in my life. I guess “patience is a virtue” after all. 所以我要继续满怀希望,继续耐心等待。我要用这个“小小心得”指导自己处理生活上的其他事情。“耐心是一种美德”,我想,的确如是。 ▎主播介绍 罗斌:95后客家小伙,毕业于广东海洋大学,从事空调行业 主播,制作:罗斌 ▎节目首发,背景音乐,图文资料,更多推送 敬请关注Wechat:为你读英语美文,ID:readenglishforyou