以家人之名 | 爱和长大

以家人之名 | 爱和长大

2020-08-19    12'01''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第377期 以家人之名 | 爱和长大 主播:永清 Blood does not family make. Those are relatives. Family are those with whom you share your good, bad, and ugly, and still love one another in the end. Those are the ones you select. 血缘不等于家庭,那叫亲属关系。家庭是那些互相分享不论好的,坏的,丑陋的一面,还是会最终相亲相爱的人。那些是你选择的人。 -赫克托 · 璀璨 Hey亲爱的你,我是永清,欢迎来到为你读英语美文的大家庭。最近在看一部很温情的剧《以家人之名》,三个没有血缘关系、在原生家庭遭遇过不同伤痛的孩子,机缘巧合下凑在一起成为了兄妹。大哥凌霄、二哥贺子秋、妹妹李尖尖在两个爸爸的抚养下相互扶持、共同成长。看到剧中三兄妹和两个爸爸的有爱点滴,真的是非常温暖和治愈,这部剧让我想起美剧《POSE》里的LGBT群体,因为性取向而被原生家庭抛弃,组成了家庭,相互扶持和成长。 在《以家人之名》里,高中毕业后,两个哥哥不得不回到自己的原生家庭。凌霄去新加坡留学和照顾遭遇车祸的亲生母亲,子秋为了给家里减轻负担,决定接受亲生父亲的资助去国外留学。一起成长的三兄妹,第一次面对分离和成长的痛。在剧里,尖尖说了以下旁白,我翻译成了英文。 电视剧《以家人之名》李尖尖旁白 编剧:水阡墨、王雄成,翻译:永清 When I was young, I never thought about being separate, and I always felt that time was very slow. I was worried when I could grow up. But time, flows away on the white paper while you distracted from class, in the moment of joy, lost, or in tears. 年纪小的时候,从未想过分别,总觉得时间很慢,很慢。总在发愁:什么时候才能长大。可时间,在上课走神的白纸上,在片刻的喜悦里,失落,或是眼泪里。 At any time, there is an invisible hand, leading us ahead. It is silent, but non-stop. Year after year, it’s so similar and plain. There are no waves, but changes are quietly happening. 在任何时候,有一只看不见的手,它在牵着我们走,它沉默着,却一刻不停。一年转眼又一年,那么相似,平淡,毫无波澜,却又悄悄的改变着。 So we try not to let time change us. We try to convey concern, and we try to shorten the distance. We all work very hard to fight against time and distance. 于是,我们努力地不让时间改变我们,我们努力地传达着关心,我们努力地缩短着距离。我们都努力地,努力地,对抗着时间和距离。 One day, I suddenly found that "separation" is the normal life. Separation is just like the seeds of dandelion, flying everywhere and growing everywhere. There will be new land, new friends, and new dreams. Gradually, because of separation, we become strange and speechless no matter how much we care for each other. 有一天,我突然发现,“分离”才是人生的常态,就像蒲公英的种子,飞到哪里就在哪里生长,有新的土地,新的朋友,也会有新的梦想,而渐渐的,我们也因为分离,变得无论多关心对方也变得陌生,变得无话可说。 We are still young and can spend a lot of time chasing dreams. We often chase the glittering dreams, which are beyond reach, like the stars, the rainbow, or the dew drops rolling on white roses in the early morning. These are in the other end of life. But in this end of life, adults are forced to survive and helpless. There are food, air, and tears they shed silently at night. 我们还年轻,可以花大把时间用来追梦。我们常常在追的梦闪闪发光,遥不可及,是星辰,是彩虹,是露珠滚动在清晨的白玫瑰上,他们在生活的那一头,而生活的这一头,是成年人为了生存的迫不得已,无可奈何,是粮食,是空气,是夜里默默流过的眼泪。 Everyone is busy in their own lives. Like all relationships, we gradually disappeared into each other&`&s passage of time. Even missing disappeared. There left only beautiful memories in the young age, and the never absent blessings at festivals. 每个人都在自己的生活里奔波忙碌着。我们像所有的关系一样,渐渐地消失在彼此流逝的时间里,连想念都消失了,只剩下年少时美好的记忆,和节日时绝不会缺席的祝福。 We are like three small planets, encountering briefly, and continue to voyage along our own orbits. 我们像三个小小的星球,短暂的相遇,又沿着各自的轨道,继续航行着。 I understand that the people who want to come back will definitely come back, and for those who don&`&t want to come back, you don&`&t have to wait. 我明白了,回来的人是一定会回来的,而不回来的人,也不必等。 ▎主播介绍 永清:毕业于西安外国语大学,从事国际贸易工作 后期,编辑:永清
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