

2014-08-14    25'57''

主播: 英语极客

242 38

puns 一、Did you hear about the teacher who was cross-eyed? He couldn't control his pupils. pupil (noun) 1) student 2) the small, black, circular hole in the middle of the eye(瞳孔) cross-eyed 斗鸡眼 二、Waiter, waiter, what's wrong with these eggs? I don't know, sir. I only laid the table. Key word:laid lay, laid, laid 不规则动词 放置 lay, layed, layed 规则动词 下蛋 三、Waiter, waiter, what soup is this? It's bean soup, sir. I don't care what is was. I want to know what it is now. it's = it is OR it has it is bean soup it has been soup 四 Waiter, waiter, will the pancakes be long? No, sir. Round. long 两种意思:时间持续长度;形状是长的 pancake (noun): a thin, flat cake, usually circular or round in shape 五 Waiter, waiter, what's this fly doing in my soup? The breaststroke, I think, sir. Breaststroke 蛙泳 "doing" When we say "What's this doing here?" we usually mean "Why is this here? It should not be here." The waiter thought that the fly was swimming. 六 Teacher: I wish you'd pay a little attention Student: I'm paying as little as I can. Little 几乎没有 a little 一点点 七 Teacher: You should have been here at 9 o'clock Student: Why, what happened? "should". Two of these uses are: should for obligation 义务,应该 should for advice 建议 学生以为老师要给他建议,事实老师在责问他怎么迟到了 九 Doctor, doctor, will you help me out? Certainly, which way did you come in? Help sb. Out 帮助某人做某事;帮助某人走出某地