Beverage Drinks
Morning tea/ breakfast tea 早茶
Black tea 红茶
Green tea 绿茶
Earl grey tea 伯爵茶
Strong (weak) tea 浓茶/淡茶
Black coffee 黑咖啡
Instant coffee 速溶咖啡
Decaf / decaffeinated coffee 低因咖啡
Cappuccino 卡布奇诺咖啡
Mocha 摩卡咖啡
Americano 美式咖啡
Macchiato 黑糖玛奇朵(意大利式浓缩咖啡加少量泡沫牛奶而成的咖啡)
Whole/skim milk 全脂牛奶/脱脂牛奶
Soybean mil/soya milk 豆浆
Boiled wate 白开水
A: What are you drinking ? 你喝什么呢?
B:It is Black tea.
A: what do you drink for your breakfastmost of the time? 你一般早餐都喝什么呢?
B:Most of the time I will make a breakfast tea for myself, but if Iget up late, I will get a mocha from starbucks, it .would wake me up.
A:Me too, but I prefer Earl Grey Tea with lemon, it smells morerefreshing and i dont add sugar in.
B:I dont like too sweet drinks as well. For example, the cappuccino istoo sweet for me as it has too much milk foam
Soft drinks 软饮
Mineral Water/ Still water 矿泉水/白水
Soda Water 苏打水
Pepsi 百事可乐
Coca cola 可口可乐coke
Sugar-free coke/diet coke 无糖可乐
Sprite 雪碧
Lemonade 柠檬汽水
Juice 果汁
Chilled juice 冷冻鲜果汁
Concentrated juice 浓缩果汁
Concentrated milk 炼乳
Milkshake 奶昔
Smoothie 冰沙
Pearl milk tea/Bubble tea 珍珠奶茶