

2014-09-01    21'25''

主播: 英语极客

5953 33

1 A: Let&`&s rent Titanic. B: Are you crazy? I&`&m not watching that again! I&`&m not V-ing.在口语中可以表示「我才不要(做……)。」 2 A: I don&`&t know how to finish this project. B: Wrong. I put my job on the line for you. You have to get this job done. on the line在口语中是说「处于危险中」,这里是说冒着丢工作的危险。 The survival of the company is on the line with this project. I have a stalker, my life is on the line! 另一个意思是Currently calling on the telephone. 例句:I have John on the line for you. 3 A: We&`&ve been working too hard. Let&`&s quit early and go out for afternoon tea. B: Now you&`&re talking. Now you&`&re talking.「这才象话」是听到对方有建设性意见所做的反应,表示你也赞同。 4 A: I found a hotel for 500 yuan a night. B: Are you kidding? That&`&s way too expensive! way too...是种夸张的口语表达法,意思是「太……」听起来的程度比too...还夸张。 We all have WAY too many distractions every day. 我们每天都要遇到很多分心的事物。 5 A: Let&`&s see...water, sunscreen, bug spray...are we forgetting anything? B: Nope, we&`&re all set for the hike. be all set泛指一般「安排妥当」的意思 6 A: The doctor said he could squeeze you in at two o&`&clock. B: We&`&d better hurry, then. squeeze someone in正是说「把某人安插近已排满的行程与预约表」 7 M: Can I uese your glue for a second? W: Be my guest. Be my guest!就是「请便!」的意思 8 A: Did you get a hamburger? B: No, a chicken sandwich set meal. B要点鸡肉三明治套餐 set meal就是指什么东西都已经配好成一套的「套餐」 9 A: What did you think of the movie? B: I didn’t really care for all the violence, but the plot was great! care for是代表「喜欢」的意思 10 A: Tom grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. B: So he made his millions all by himself! on the wrong side of the tracks是「出身贫寒」的意思 E.g. I used to think that I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, but now I realize that there are worse places to grow up in this world. 我一直以为我成长的地方很烂,但现在我发觉世界上还有更糟的地方。 11A: I&`&m going to go complain to the boss about all the overtime. B: I&`&ll go with you to back you up. back...up顾名思义就是说「在后面支持、支持」的意思。 12 A: My credit cards are all maxed out. B: You&`&d better start cutting down on your spending. be maxed out在口语中是说「信用卡刷爆」的意思。