

2014-09-04    17'41''

主播: 英语极客

945 38

the coolest four word phrases 最酷的四字短语应该怎么用 ---Mr.Swagger Hey , how is going there everybody. . good morning ,nice to see you guys Here Again. I believe you guys are gonna Have a great day from now on If you guys agree with me ,please Type yes to me , 大家早上好,又和大家见面了。我相信 大家今天会有伟大的一天, 如果你们也 相信,请给老师打上yes Ok,今天我要继续和大家分享一些很酷的短语,让大家在不同的情景模拟环节中去熟练的运用这些词语。 Are you guys ready? Are you ready All right! So ,Lets rock. 首先老师还是会让你们先看一段话,然后去分析每一个词组的意思和用法,当老师每讲完一个词组以后都会和同学们进行问答和交流,希望同学们积极配合。 All right ,here we go , First one ! 1.hey swagger, I just cant move any step any more! Swagger我一步都动不了了 Hey dude, Come to get a snicker .Get a move on! 饿货,来个士力架吧,然后让我们继续前行 Get a move on 继续前行 We’d better to get move on before it rains 在雨来之前我们必须赶快走 It&`&s already 9 o&`&clock. Why don&`&t you get a move on? 都已经九点了,你怎么还不走 Ok ,那同学们用get a move on 来造句子 同学们生活中有什么是需要克服困难继续前行的呢? 最好用到老师昨天讲的短语来造句哦 Are you sure about Ke Zhen dong will be arrested?你确定柯震东要进监狱 cross my heart! Buddy! Cause my daddy is Li gang,he told me .我发誓是真的!我爸爸李刚告诉我的。 Cross my heart我发誓,我确定 Cross my heart , I love you guys! We’d better to stay away from the drug before Ke Zhendong going to jail 在柯震东进入监狱前我们就应该远离毒品 Otherwise ,cross my heart, we cant even stop 否则我发誓,我们根本停不下来 2.hey Swagger, come on, we have to win this game !!! Swagger,加油,我们必须要赢下今天的比赛 Don&`&t count on me! Im so sick 别指望我!我病了。 Come on 鼓励,加油,加把劲 Don’t count on me 不要再指望我了。 来大家用count on me 来造几个句子 譬如,you can count on me like one two three, I ll be there And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two You’ll be there Cause that’s what friend are suppose to do oh yeah Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Count on me 指望我,依赖我 大家用count on me 来造个句子,譬如说用到昨天的句子 Are you kidding me ,you count on me ? I’m a green hand 你在和我开玩笑吗,你要靠我?我是个菜鸟啊!!! Green hand 生手,菜鸟 绿色的菜是生的,可以运用这个联想法去记住这个单词 3.Hey cutie, may we have a date together this afternoon小可爱,我们下午可以进行一次约会吗? Do I have to? 我一定要去吗? Have to do something.我不得不去那件事吗? Do I have to love you guys 我喜欢你们吗?。The answer is yup! Cause you guys are so lovely, and I hope you guys can have faith in me .I’ll make your English be better. Have faith in somebody.相信某个人。 Have faith in something 相信某事 If you have faith in someone, you feel confident about their ability如果你们对某些人充满信心,你会很相信他们的能力 那大家有自己相信的或者信仰的某人或者某事吗?同学们给老师来造个句吧. Have faith in somebody.相信某个人 每天对自己说一遍自己的信仰,我想同学们最后一定会最终实现你们的目标的。 看来同学们都有自己信仰的人和事情,that’s cool。 只有保持信仰才能 4. if you can sing me a ‘little apple’ I’ll give you a real apple.如果你能给我唱首小苹果,我就给你一个真苹果。 Don’t give me that ,I like melon少来这套!我喜欢哈密瓜 答 little常带有感情色彩、含有赞扬、爱怜的意味, little babe little girl little kid small只是指形体、数或量的小 small box 哈密瓜 ,甜瓜 melon don’t give me that 少来这套。 大家来造一个句子,don’t give me that少来这一套 5. shawty. Are you free now? 宝贝,你现在有空吗? Come to the point! I don’t have that much time . 有话直说!我没有那么多时间。 Shawty,对爱人的昵称,相当于babe的意思。=sweety =sweetheart 要和老师之前讲的课联系起来哦 Hey shawty, are you doing fine recently! I miss you damn much hey, 宝贝,你最近好吗。我好想你 Come to the point直切主题。 举个例子,譬如说 Hey shawty, how about I buy you a drink over there, lets talk about somme issues between us . 亲爱的,我可以请你喝杯东西吗?我想谈谈我们之间存在的问题 这时候如果说你们马上还有一个约会要去赴约的话应该怎么说呢?没有时间听他多说 Oh ,come to the point ,I have a date later! 评语:Ok 非常棒 great!!!you guys are awesome ! 结束语:wow ,great,又和同学们度过了非常愉快的课程,感谢大家的认真听讲和积极配合,swagger老师今天的课就先讲到这里,下午四点到五点还有我的课程,到时候同学们也要过来积极参加!!当然喜欢老师讲课的同学可以加老师的微信,有什么问题也可以随时问老师 O最后来看一下和同学们昨天分享的一段k话 Stay in every moment when you get high, smoke some weed ,drink some wine ,reminisce shit talk some forever young is in your mind ,nothing can even erase my memory, neither space or time!!when the director yells cut , I say ill be fine .