1.talk turkey 打开天窗说亮话 讨论重点
2.upset the applecart
Quick Quiz:
We&`&d planned to have our wedding in the local park, but the head of the council upset the applecart when he
A. backed his car into some stalls at the market
B. refused to give us permission
C. congratulated us on our wedding
3.the icing on the cake | the frosting on the cake 锦上添花 ; 如虎添翼 ;
Quick Quiz:
Winning a Nobel prize is the icing on the cake after
A. earning so much money
B. being ignored for so long
C. such a long and rewarding career
4.the cream of the crop 尖子
Meaning: If something or someone is in the cream of the crop, they are among the best of a class of things or people.
take with a grain of salt | take with a pinch of salt不全信;对…采取保留态度
Quick Quiz:
When your grandma tells stories about the past, you should take what she says with a grain of salt because
A. she tells really funny stories
B. she doesn&`&t always speak very clearly
C. she doesn&`&t always remember things accurately
5.put all your eggs in the one basket 把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里(要善于分散风险)
6.eat humble pie 忍辱含垢;低头谢罪
这个成语中的humble一词是umbles这个词的讹化。umbles指鹿的内脏,以前人爱吃鹿肉,鹿肉供主人食用,鹿的心、肝之类杂碎便做成馅饼供仆人食用,因此eat humble pie便是“低三下四、忍气吞声”的意思。