1.down -to -earth(means someone or something that is honest, realistic and easy to deal with, )踏实谦逊,务实的,脚踏实地的;实际的;现实的
Be down to earth务实的,脚踏实地的;实际的;现实的
He is the most down -to -earth person I have ever met.
down to the ground完全、彻底地.
The dress suits you down to the ground .
The government is trying to downplay the violence
She seems to downplay the importance of the event.
He is very modest and downplay his accomplishments.
3.down for the count彻底失败 (常被用在工商界、政坛或者法律诉讼中,还甚至还用来说情场失恋)。
Go down for the count彻底失败be down for the count.彻底失败
I am afraid the company will go down for the count.
4.go down the drain(下水道) “泡汤,前功尽弃,白费心机,付诸东流,化为乌有, 每况愈下”
Our plan went down the drain when it rained.
Their friendship will go down the drain.
The results of years of work went down the drain
5.carry weight.
Her opinion carries a lot of weight with her boss.她的意见对老板很有影响力
A partnership without a written agreement carries no legal weight.
6.carry the ball担当要职,负起责任,起主要作用,担当主要角色
He can always carry the ball for his friends in an emergency.
She is so capable that she carried the ball eventually.
Marry worries about her husband under too much pressure after he carries the ball.
7.carry the can.代人受过,替别人承担责任
I won’t carry the can for his mistake.