

2014-09-22    24'59''

主播: 英语极客

228 31

Answering the phone 1)Hello? 2)Thank you for calling **. Jane speaking. How can I help you? 3)Doctor&`&s office. Introducing yourself 1)Hey Jane. It&`&s Lisa calling. 2)Hello, this is Janecalling. 3)Hi, it&`&s Jane from the dentist&`&s office here. 4)Speaking. Asking to speak with someone 1)Is Fred in? 2)Is Janethere, please? 3)Can I talk to your sister? 4)May I speak with Mr. Green, please? 5)Would the doctor be in/available? Connecting someone 1)Just a sec. I&`&ll get him. 2)Hang on one second. 3)Please hold and I&`&ll put you through to his office. 4)One moment please. 5)All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person. Making special requests 1)Could you please repeat that? 2)Would you mind spelling that for me? 3)Could you speak up a little please? 4)Can you speak a little slower please. My English isn&`&t very strong. 5)Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection. 6)Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call. Taking a message for someone 1)I&`&m afraid he&`&s stepped out. Would you like to leave a message? 2)He&`&s on lunch right now.Who&`&s calling please? 3)He&`&s busy right now. Can you call again later? 4)I&`&ll let him know you called. 5)I&`&ll make sure she gets the message. Leaving a message with someone 1)Yes, it&`&s James from ***. here. When do you expect her back in the office? 2)Thanks, could you ask him to call Jane when she gets in? 3)Do you have a pen handy. I don&`&t think he has my number. 4)Thanks. My number is 222-3456, extension 12. Confirming information 1)Okay, I&`&ve got it all down. 2)Let me repeat that just to make sure. 3)Did you say 555 Charles St.? 4)You said your name was John, right? 5)I&`&ll make sure he gets the message. Finishing a conversation 1)Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon. 2)Thanks for calling. Bye for now. 3)I have to let you go now. 4)I have another call coming through. I better run. 5)I&`&m afraid that&`&s my other line. 6)I&`&ll talk to you again soon. Bye.