

2014-10-16    05'42''

主播: 英语极客

715 41

1.Any interest in fresh air? 想出去走走透透气吗? 2.- No offense. -None taken. ——没有冒犯的意思。 ——我不介意。 当你遇到一些情况,让你觉得有些话不说又不行,说了有怕触怒别人,坏了彼此的关系,这时no offense就可以派上用场。对方听了之后就算生气,也不好意思发火,只好回送你一句None taken(我不介意)。 3.turning a new leaf改过自新,重新开始,get a new start.to start over fresh - to totally get rid of bad habits and start over new again. I&`&m turning a new leaf ,No more drinking ,No more smoking,It&`&s a healthy life from now on. I turned a new leaf and started living a healthy lifestyle! 4.Take baby steps. 慢慢来,一步一步来 5.To give one&`&s best shot. 意思是不管会不会成功,都会尽力而为。 We have no regrets. Of course it hurts to lose but we GAVE IT OUR BEST SHOT and you can&`&t do more than that. This time the other side was just too good." 这个队员说:我们无怨无悔。输了比赛心里当然很难过,但是我们已经尽了自己的全力了。这次实在是对手实力太强了。 6.Don&`&t burn any bridges断了退路(人际关系)” Don&`&t burn any bridges when you make your move