

2014-12-09    09'03''

主播: 英语极客

243 32

1.A tall order:difficult thing to do离谱的要求,难办的事,艰巨的任务 The client wants me to deliver the project by tomorrow. It's a tall order but I'll try. 客户让我最迟明天上交这个项目.这真的很难办,但是我会尝试下。 It is a tall order to expect me to finish this project in two weeks.It will take a month at least. 期望我在两周内完成这个任务是件困难的事情。这至少得一个月。 2. Nuts and bolts:The detailed and practical aspects of a subject or activity具体细节,基本要点,最基础的部分,重要组成部分。 Every machine is held together by its nuts and bolts. Without them, the machine would fall apart.每部机器都是由螺母和螺钉组装在一起的,没有它们,机器就会散架。 You need to specify the nuts and bolts of your plan when you set it 在你指定计划的时候,你需要指定出其中的细节。 You can't propose lofty goals without specifying the nuts and bolts of how they are to be achieved. 你不能只提议高远的目标而不明确指出如何达成的具体细节。 3. A dry run. a practice session, a rehearsal Rehearse sth: rehearse a play, a piece of music. It’s just a dry run.这只是个彩排 He did a dry run of his speech in front of a mirror. 他对着镜子试讲。 I'd like to do a dry run of our presentation. I need more practice using the microphone. 为了演出,我想排练一次。我应该多掌握一下如何使用麦克风。 4. French leave: Leave of absence without permission or without announcing one's departure. Take a French leave不辞而别 Spanish castle=castle in the air空中楼阁:The life science is not a Spanish castle生命科学不是不切实际的空谈 4. be on the same wavelength: Sharing a common understanding; thinking the same thing as another person. share similar interest and opinions(与某人)志趣相同 They are on the same wavelength他们志趣相投