

2015-01-07    07'51''

主播: 英语极客

1314 29

1.眼高手低 have great ambition but little talent. 意思就是:have high ambition but no real ability. You can’t have great ambition but little talent.你不可以眼高手低 2.耳熟能详be often heard and well remembered. This brand/This story/His name is often heard and well remembered. 3口若悬河be silver-tongued A silver-tongued person, sb have a silver tongue Sb Be eloquent (adj.eloquent雄辩的;口才好的) 4.眉目传情 Give sb the eye 对某人使眼色 Make eyes at sb Cast sheep’s eye at sb对某人抛媚眼 5.有备无患:better safe than sorry. It’s better to be safe than to be sorry about sth The readiness is all. Prevention is better than cure. 6.长话短说 make a long story short Make/Cut a long story short=put it simply=put it briefly To make a long story short, I just lost my cell phone and couldn’t find my key.