What are you doing this weekend? 这个周末你打算做什么?
Have any plans? 有任何计划吗?
Want to meet? 想要见面聚一聚吗?
I have some free time. 我有一些空闲时间。
Want to go sightseeing? 想要去观光吗?
Want to do something fun? 想做一些好玩的事情吗?
Let me be your guide. 让我当(做)你的导游。
What are your interests? 你的兴趣是什么?
What do you want to do?你想要做什么?
Let's start out early tomorrow. 我们明天早点出发。
I'll pick you up at seven-thirty. 我会在七点半开车去接你。
I'll be there on time. 我会准时到那里.
Please meet me out front. 请在门口和我见面。
I'll be waiting in the car. 我会在车子里面等你。
I'll keep driving around if I can't park.
Don't eat anything before. 你先不要吃任何东西。
I'll take you for a good breakfast. 我将带你去吃一顿丰盛的早餐。
Your batteries will be fully charged. 你将会充满活力。
I'm sorry you're leaving. 我很遗憾你要离开了。
I enjoyed your visit. 和你在一起的这段时间很愉快。
I look forward to seeing you again.我盼望能再见到你。
Come back anytime. 请随时回来。
You're always welcome. 随时欢迎你。
You have an open invitation. 随时欢迎你。
Have a safe trip。希望你旅途平安。
Have a nice flight. 。祝你飞行顺利。
Take care returning home.回家路上要小心.