

2015-07-03    17'25''

主播: 英语极客

313 23

送礼物给别人,不是施舍,除了送礼外,更要有尊敬之心,才能表现出你的诚意及谦虚. Here’s a little something. Here is a little something. I got this for you. I hope you like it. It’s not much. You deserve more. You deserve the best. You’re one of a kind. You’re so special. You’re really great. 1.送礼物给别人时,可以说: Here’ a little something for you/to make you happy! I have a little something for you. 一般呢再加上:I hope you like it. 变体:Here’ a little something from him/for you/to make you happy! He has a little something for everyone! 还可以说:Here is a small token of my friendship/appreciation.这是我的一点心意 (我们中国人都会说,这是我的一点心意,但是美国人的心意要分得很细哦,代表我的友好之情要用a token of friendship,代表感激之情,要用a token of appreciation,代表爱慕之情要用a token of love等等,这里的token是象征的意思) 收到礼物的人会说 Thank you so much/That’s so generous of you/That’s so thoughtful of you. 而且不同于我们的是,他们喜欢当场打开,打开前会客气地说一句: I open it?/Let me see. 2. I got this for you. 这里的got,get的过去时.相当于Buy或bring 3.You’re one of a kind! 这里的kind指的是种类,类别。自成一家,很special You are one of a kind=You are special You’re two of a kind=You’re a like.