

2015-07-21    13'17''

主播: 英语极客

170 20

美音三部曲 单词→词组→句式 一、单词篇 1.美音的根本--卷舌 发音规律:有字母r一定要卷舌,没有一定不卷舌。 father farther famous campus China idea purpose California 学美音就是要调整发音习惯,把原来不习惯卷舌的地方卷上去,也要把原来错误卷舌的地方捋直。 2.美音的特色--[ɑː]和[ɔ]的发音 [ɑː]变音为[æ] 带卷舌的[ɑː]不变,不卷舌的变 garden grass large pass [ɔ]口型张大 hotpot locker room top 10 caught court 3.美音的难点--浊化 发音规律:[t]和[p]在词的中间位置时,发音时口型照做,但不送气。 little Harry Potter Happy birthday! 二、词组篇(连读&失爆) 1.连读 发音规律:当前一个单词的尾音是辅音,而后一个单词的开头音是元音的时候,需要把首尾音连在一起不停顿的读出来 work it out ['wɜːkɪtaʊt] think it over ['θɪŋkɪtəʊvə] CNN [siːe'nen] 2.失爆(失去爆破) 发音规律:当前面一个单词的尾音是辅音,而且是爆破音,而后面一个单词的开头音也是辅音的时候,那么前一个爆破音就不发音。 爆破音:[p] [b] [k] [g] [t] [d] Is there anything you need to say? I see that man standing beside the shop. I like to live in the old building. 三、句型篇 发音规律:一般疑问句升调,特殊疑问句降调;话没讲完升调,话讲完了降调。 Is that your bag? Where is my bag? I study quite a lot of courses in school, like history, math, chemistry and music. “I'm not insane, my mother had me tested!” (o的发音,连读,浊化,升调,卷舌,失爆等等)