

2015-09-02    14'35''

主播: 英语极客

962 24

关于money的10句话 Part 1 :各国货币(currencies) 亚洲: won 元(朝鲜、韩国)143=1 yen 元(日本)12=1 yuan 元(中国) baht 铢读zhu(泰国)4.7=1 美洲: dollar 元(美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等) 0.16=1 franc 法郎(法国、比利时、瑞士等) 0.01=1 Part 2: 1. Bet your bottom dollar – to bet all that you have because you are certain you will win 孤注一掷,把家底压上 例句 I would bet my bottom dollar that Rachel will show up late again today. 我敢打赌瑞秋今天晚些时候一定会再次出现。 2. Break the bank 倾家荡产 例句 John knew that renting the ocean view apartment would break the bank, so he settled for a smaller apartment. 约翰知道租一个海景公寓会花光他所有的钱,所以他选择了一个小点的公寓安定下来。 3.Bring home the bacon 赚钱,养家糊口 例句 His wife chooses not to work, so Robert has to bring home the bacon. 罗伯特的老婆决定不出去上班了,因此他不得不赚钱养家糊口。 4.Cash in on (something) 大赚一笔 例句 The former athlete cashed in on his popularity to open a nightclub in his name. 这位前运动员开了个以自己名字命名的夜店,打算利用名气大赚一笔。 5. Give (someone) a blank check–让某人自由的按自己想法行事 例句 The professor gave the students a blank check with the only requirement being that they turn in their project on time. 这位教授允许学生们自由发挥,唯一要求就是他们需要按时交作业。 6. Look like a million dollars 显得容光焕发,看上去十分漂亮 例句 As she stepped out in her wedding dress, she looked like a million dollars. 当她穿着婚纱走出来时,看起来美呆了。 7. Pinch pennies精打细算 例句 My grandfather always pinches pennies; he never spends money if he doesn't have to. 我爷爷总是精打细算;只要没必要他从不花钱。 右脑情景联想记忆: 去拉斯维加斯 Las Vegas赌博,有人说是孤注一掷(. Bet your bottom dollar ),有可能倾家荡产(Break the bank),也有可能(Bring home the bacon ,Cash in on (something) ,赚了钱就可以按照自己的想法做事( Give (someone) a blank check),赚了钱感觉整个人都容光焕发( Look like a million dollars ),但如果不精打细算(Pinch pennies)迟早会一无所有的。