

2015-11-16    17'34''

主播: 英语极客

2638 31

Winter is coming!Part 1:Key words about winter icicle :冰柱 snowflake:雪花 snowbank:雪堆 snowball:雪球 snowman:雪人 have snowball fight:打雪仗 下雪啦:It’s snowing. 下冰雹:It’s hailing. Questions: 1.What is your favorite season and why? 2.What is your favorite sport in winter? Enjoy winter: We can head out to play in the snow, building snowmen, having snowball fights, sledging and some even snowboarding and skiing. Part 2:Let's go skiing together ! 1.传统式:一般说到Skiing(滑雪),都是传统的两脚踩两板的滑雪。2.炫酷式: 还有另一种看着特别酷,Snowboarding(单板滑雪)3.Alpine skiing(高山滑雪) Ski Resort(滑雪度假村) 4.Downhills (速降滑雪)5.Glade Skiing(林中滑雪) 6.滑雪界的马拉松: Cross-country Skiing(越野滑雪)7.城会玩儿:You city people play well! Free Style skiing(自由式滑雪) part 3: 滑雪装备! Hardgoods一般说的是雪板,雪杖这类的装备;Softgoods是指衣服,眼镜这些穿戴的用品。 1.Ski就是我们最常见的双板滑雪板;Snowboard就是柯南用的单板滑雪板 2.Ski Boots是滑雪鞋,外面的那层塑料壳是Shell 3. Ski Pole:雪杖,不要当刹车使用--刹车:Ski Brake 4.Ski Suit :滑雪服 5.Ski Glasses:滑雪镜 6.Brain Bucket /Helmet:头盔 句型活用: (something)/The Ski brake can not work”.这个东西很重要,滑雪之前一定要注意!或者你记住Binding这个词,说的是整个卡鞋的这一套,你可以说The Binding can‘t work或者There is something wrong with my binding(sth). 句型活用: (something)/The Ski brake can not work”.这个东西很重要,滑雪之前一定要注意!或者你记住Binding这个词,说的是整个卡鞋的这一套,你可以说The Binding can‘t work或者There is something wrong with my binding(sth).