

2015-12-11    13'01''

主播: 英语极客

178 14

1.bark up the wrong tree If I borrow some money from him, I am barking up the wrong tree.. 如果我跟他借钱,就是找错人了(他特抠,特仔细) 2.knock on wood I hope they won't audit us this year, knock on wood. 但愿他们不会审计我们 I hope to get a salary raise/get a pay increase this month. Knock on wood. 我希望本月可以加薪 3.go/be out on a limb作某种冒险,让自己处于某种困难或有风险的境地。 Sam went out on a limb and quit his job to open a small restaurant. 4.can't (be not able to )see the forest for the trees Mary is very detail-oriented, she is not able to see the forest for the trees. 玛丽非常注重细节,但她没法看清大局 5.The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I ooked at his whole family, then at his daughter, and I thought ,the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 极客专属周二周四