1. He loves to boss people around. 他很爱指使人。
- Oh,no! I’ve been assigned to work with Jerry for our group project.
-Oh! I heard that he loves to boss people around.
boss 老板;动词意为“指挥,对……发号施令”,boss around就是“被差来差去”的意思
2. All wet. 大错特错。
-I firmly believe that if we invested in funds we could earn a lot of money.-
-All wet.You are such a fool.
wet 引申为“没经验”
3.It has your name on it. 非你莫属了。
-Look! It fits you perfectly. It looks great on you and has your name on it.
-Really? What about your opinion, Mary?
4. That was a cake walk. 小事一桩。=It’s a piece of cake.
-Thank you. You do me a big favor.
-That was a cake walk.It’s nothing to speak of.(don't mention about it)
5. No trouble. 哪儿的话。
I owe you a big favor. 我欠你一个大人情。
I owe you one;I owe you a lot
No sweat 不麻烦!
No sweat! Think nothing of it.
No trouble. I enjoyed helping you.
That was a cake walk.It’s nothing to speak of.