1、Don’t give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。
-could you tell me how to solve this problem?
-That’s a secret. I couldn’t tell you.
-Don’t give me your attitude. Please tell me.
2、Enough is enough. 够了够了。(对说话人的罗嗦感到不耐烦,不愿意再听下去了)
-Mom, when you come home, please buy a coat, a skirt, a sweater…
-Enough is enough. I know.
3、Fair to middling. 还行,马马虎虎啦。middling是形容词,意为“中等的”。
-How about this opera given by the famous musician?
-Fair to middling.A little hard to appreciate.
-How are you?
-Fair to middling.
4、Pipe down. 住嘴。停止讲话,安静下来
5、chew the fat.=chew the rag.闲聊