

2016-03-14    16'20''

主播: 英语极客

268 16

1、chip in to do凑份子钱 例句(1):Mary:Kate is getting transfered to another department(kate要转其它部门), and we are all chipping in to buy her a going-away present.Are you in? Edward:We're only passing acquaintances(我们不太熟). what's in it for me? 例句(2):明天是Lucy的生日,我们集资给她买个礼物吧 Tomorrow is Lucy's birthday.Shall we buy her a joint gift? 小结: (1)Let's do sth.或者Shall we do sth?我们去...吧(表建议) (2)Shall we buy her a dinner?我们请她吃晚饭吧 2、do a whip-round to do sth.凑份子钱去做某事 例句:我们集资(do a whip-round)请她吃饭吧(buy her a dinner),Let's do a whip-round to buy her a dinner. 小结: (1)chip in to do something (2)do a whip-round to do something. 集资,凑份子钱,众筹去做某事 3、 make one's acquaintance 或者 make the acquaintance of sb结识某人,认识某人 单词:acquaintance熟人,认识;friend朋友;intimate知己/至交/闺蜜 例句 (1)I have many acquaintances in this field这行,我有很多熟人(我认识很多熟人) (2)你在这行有认识的熟人吗?Have you any acquaintances in this field? 或者Do you have any acquaintances in this field? (3)我是去年认识的他。 I made his acquaintance last year.或者 I made the acquaintance of him last year。 4、What's in it for me?对我来说有什么好处呢?我从中能得到什么好处呢? 5、pick up the slack接手某人留下来的工作或不愿意做的事情 词句解析 (1)同事对应的英文单词:workmates/collegues/coworkers同事 (2)quit/quit ones job 辞去工作 (3)pick up 接手/捡起 pick up wallet 捡钱包 pick up your kid 接孩子 (4)slack松懈/萧条/闲置部分/工作 例句:Edward's coworker Kate quit, and he had to pick up the slack.
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