part 1 : 有人招待,可能会问你 Welcome to XX. Do you have a reservation? 你可以说 No, Do you have any free tables right now? ..... 然后他会给你带到桌子那里去,如果你不满意,比如想找个靠窗的桌子,可以说 Could we get a table by the window?
part 2 :一般你入座后,餐馆先会问你是否要个饮料,比如:
Can I get you a drink? / Would you like to order a drink now? / What would you like to drink.
如果你不想花钱喝饮料,直接说 Water will be fine 或者 Can I have a glass of water? 就成!
想喝东西的话可以说 I&`&ll take a coke, I&`&ll have an orange juice, 或者你可以问下 What kind of drinks do you have?等。
part 3 :然后餐馆给你端来水(期间你可以研究下菜单),会问你是否开始点菜:
May I take your order? / Are you ready to order?
如果你还没想好,说 Can I have a couple more minutes?
那就指着菜单说 I&`&ll take this..
Would you like toast, a muffin, or a cornbread? 不想要继续 No thanks 。
...... 然后就可以等着吃饭了!
How is everything? Is everything ok? How is your dinner? Do you need anything else?
餐馆可能会说 Is there anything else I can get you? 不要就是No thanks,要的话...
Would you like dessert today? / Would you like our dessert menu?
不要的话就说no thanks,要的话可以要个dessert menu,然后继续take这个那个的。
part 4 :如果要结账,盯着一个服务人员看,然后挥下手叫人过来,然后说
Can I have my check? 或者 I would like my check please
(他可能过来会先说 Can I get you anything else?)
* 如果你不知道是直接给钱还是在收银台给钱可以拿了check后说 Excuse me, do we pay here or at the case register.
* 如果你不知道餐费里是不是包含了小费,你可以直接问:Is the tip included in the check? 人家说No的话就掏钱吧.....
* 另外...有时候很饿又找不到餐馆,问路时就是 Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?