

2016-07-22    05'42''

主播: 英语极客

39 9

跟颜色有关的话题:  红橙黄绿青蓝紫。 翻译: Red orange yellow green cyan blue purple cyan ['saɪən] n. 青色;蓝绿色 grey/gray [grei]灰 brown[braʊn]棕色,褐色 beige [beʒ]米黄色 另外表示颜色的深浅可以用dark和light 如:dark blue  light blue 1.He is in the pink.脸色粉嫩(表示很健康) In the pink 精神或身体状态好,健康,精力充沛 The children all looked in the pink during their holiday. 孩子度假后个个红光满面。 2.see red 看见红色. 是非常生气,暴跳如雷的意思 生气或者慌张的时候,脸就会变成红色 People who spit on the street really make me see red.看见随地吐痰的人真的让我很生气。 My firm are running in the red . A.红色的商品  B.财政亏损 C.过节 in the red 表示亏损 红糖:brown sugar   红茶:black tea  3.I always suspected he was yellow. 我总怀疑他很胆小。 Yellow 这个颜色一般象征着胆小 yellow belly 胆小鬼 4.be feeling blue/ have the blue 感到忧郁 I am just feeling a little blue.感到有点忧郁 Talk until one is blue in the face 指为了说服对方,说的脸色都发青了 Eg: He talked until he was blue in the face,but he couldn’t convince his wife.他好说歹说,还是没能说服他的妻子。 5.His face was black and blue. 他的脸青一块紫一块 black and blue 指挨打后青一块紫一块,遍体鳞伤的 After the fight, he was black and blue all over 打架之后,他浑身青一块紫一块。