

2016-08-03    12'09''

主播: 英语极客

45 8

1 There&`&s not much to it. There&`&s not much to it:很容易,没什么难的。通常在讲解如何操作某种东西时使用。 You just flip that switch and wait. There&`&s not much to it. 只要拨一下开关,然后就等着,没什么难的。 2 All right, whatever. Suit yourself. Suit yourself: 随你便吧,你自己决定。这可以是中性的表达,但如果语气重一点,就是在说,爱咋咋地,我不管了。 I&`&m too tired to go out tonight. 我今晚太累,不想出去玩了。 Suit yourself. 随你便。 3 Can you Cc me and Eddie when you send that? Cc (someone) : Cc 是 Carbon copy的缩写,是在写邮件中所用到的“抄送”。 I&`&ll Cc you when I send it. 我会在发邮件的时候抄送给你。 4 I&`&m so out of it this morning. (someone) is out of it :指某人不在状态。 You seem kind of out of it today. 你今天看起来好像不太在状态啊。 6 You can tell that she&`&s had work done. (someone) has had work done : 这句话是指某人做过了整形手术。 Amy said she&`&s never had work done on her face. Amy说她从来没整过容。 7 I don&`&t know off the top of my head, but I&`&ll shoot them over to you this afternoon. Off the top of my head:当场就能想到,即兴说出。如果用在否定意义的句子里,多半是用来暗示需要再多一点时间思考。 I can think of two people who might be interested, off the top of my head. 我现在只能想到两个可能会感兴趣的人。 8 If you’re feeling under the weather, by all means go home and get some rest. By all means:请务必,一定要做某事。也可以在回答提议时说,相当于“当然”。 “May I make a suggestion?” “By all means.” 我能提个建议吗? 当然。 9 Can you please cut it out. Cut it out: 当别人在做一些令你心烦的事情,你就可以让他cut it out,意思就是你能停下来吗。 I&`&m sick of that joke. Cut it out, will you? 我不喜欢那个玩笑,你能不能别说了? 11 You&`&re gonna screw up that test. Screw up:把事情搞砸。 I had a perfect chance, but I screwed up. 我本来有一个特别棒的机会,但是我把它搞砸了。 12 I was on the verge of going to sleep at a point. At a point / at some point:在某个时刻,其中at a point 更强调是在某一个特定的时刻。 You will have to do your homework at some point. 你迟早是要做作业的时候。 I was so close to beat the record at a point. 我有一次差点就打破纪录了。 13 Get over it! Get over it: 指忘掉烦心事,相当于forget about it。 It’s not a big deal, so get over it. 多大点事,别想它了。 15 I’m working the night shift tomorrow. Work … shift:表示上…班,work the night shift是指上晚班。 I’m working the morning shift today. 我今天上早班。 16 They&`&ve been getting a bit of media attention lately. Get media attention:得到媒体的关注,媒体曝光率高,也就是所谓的“红”。 She’s getting all the media attention recently. 她最近可红了。