极客上课群10   12.13 录音+笔记

极客上课群10 12.13 录音+笔记

2016-12-14    18'19''

主播: 英语极客

152 11

关键词:疯狂购物~ Double 11 November 11 Singles' Day: 光棍节, 但是这个说法已经过时了 Did you Pamper yourself and buy nice things: 你是不是好好的宠爱自己、买东西了呢? 1.购物狂欢节 Shopping bonanza: 购物狂欢节 bonanza [bəu'nænzə] A bonanza is a crazy big event: bonanza就是疯狂的大节日、大庆祝 We don't really say "shopping carnival": 不太用carnival这个词 2.与人讨论是否爱在双11/12购物 reply1:I've never bought anything on Double 11, because I hate shopping: 我双十一从来没买过东西,我很怕购物reply2.I can save even more money if I don't buy anything: 不买可以省更多钱 You often end up buying a ton of things you don't really need: 不然很容易买一大堆自己不需要的东西 reply 3.I can get a lot of great deals and save money on this day这天可以买很多东西,也可以省很多钱 线上、线下都要买 Add things to your shopping cart: 加购物车 Online shopping: 网购 Offline stores: 线下实体店 real shopping cart 3.美国的双十一:两个! Black Friday: 黑色星期五 It's the day after Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving: fourth Thursday of November): 是感恩节后的一天,(感恩节是11月的第四个周四) Cyber Monday: 网购星期一 It's the Monday after Black Friday: 黑色星期五后两天的周一 Take advantage of great deals on these days: 抓紧时机,趁这两个购物节买点打折货 Some shops offer crazy deals: 一些实体店会搞特别疯狂的大减价 E-commerce: 电商 钱包大出血! I'm blowing money! 乱花钱、钱包大出血 I'm going to be a bit critical here: 我来吐槽一下 On Thanksgiving, they stuff their faces with food: 感恩节,我们狂吃猛塞 The next day, they run to shops and blow money they don't have: 第二天,冲到商店乱花钱 “打折、优惠”英语怎么说? ! Discounts | 'dɪskaʊnt] Deals Steals Bargains On sale, having a sale, great sales 英语说折扣,记得反一反 20 percent off: 8折 30 percent off: 7折 50 percent off/half off/half price: 对折 4.双11/12,你买了什么? Make-up/cosmetics: 化妆品 Skin products/skin care products: 护肤品 Electronics: 电子产品 Appliances [əp'laɪənsɪz] n.家用电器 Tip: Shop wisely: 明智购物 Don't blow money on things you don't really need: 不要乱花钱,买没太大用的东西。