英语极客会员周二 11 (2.7) 录音+笔记

英语极客会员周二 11 (2.7) 录音+笔记

2017-02-08    14'34''

主播: 英语极客

114 11

春节是中国最重要的传统节日,标志着农历新年的开始。春节的日期按农历而定,通常出现 在公历 2 月份前半个月的某一天。过春节又叫做“过年”,意思是避开“年”这个怪物。相 传“年”是古时候的一种凶猛的怪物。它的样子像强壮的公牛,长着狮子一样的头。这个怪 物通常待在深山里。 但每到冬末春初他在山里找不到足够的食物就会闯入村庄找东西吃。 村民们见之非常害怕,于是纷纷搬家,逃离这个怪物。后来人们发现,“年”非常害怕三样东 西:红色、明亮火焰以及大声喧哗。人们为了阻止“年”进村,就把大门漆成红色,还点火 烧竹子,发出噼噼啪啪的响声。从此以后,“年”再也不来村里了。一个传统就这样形成了。 竹子燃烧时发出的这种响声被后来的鞭炮声所取代。这就是中国人燃放鞭炮欢庆春节的来历。 The Spring Festival, the most important traditional Chinese festival,marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New year. The Spring Festival is celebrated according to the lunar calendar,and generally occurs some time in the first half of February. The Spring Festival is also called Guo Nian in Chinese,meaning keeping off the monster of Nian.The legend has it that Nian was a fierce monster back in ancient times.It looked like a strong bull with a head like that of a lion.Usually the monster stayed deep in the mountains.But at the turn of each spring,the monster,unable to find enough food in the mountains,came out of its mountain lair and entered villages to eat whatever it could catch.Villagers were so scared that they moved away to escape the ferocious monster.Later people found that Nian was afraid of three things:red color,bright flame and loud noise.To prevent Nian from entering their villages,villagers painted their doors red, burned stalks of bamboo,which made cracking sounds.Ever since then,Nian never again came to the villages.Thus, a tradition was established.Later, the noise of the cracking bamboo was replaced by the bang of firecrackers for the Spring Festival