A: I`m beat.
B: Take a break.
Take a rest.
Rest a while.
A: I`m bushed.
B: I know how you feel.
I`m tired, too.
It`s been a long day.
A: I`m exhausted.
B: Take it easy.
Go get a drink.
Take a little break.
A: I need to go home.
B: I understand.
It`s getting late.
You have lots of things to do.
A: I can`t stay.
B: Sure you can.
I need your help.
Just 15 more minutes .
A: I need to get back.
B: Please stay.
Don`t go .
Keep me company.
A: I have things to do.
B: No problem.
Do what you have to do.
Take care of your business.
A: I have to go.
B: Are you sure?
Can`t you stay?
Stay a while,please .
A: Let`s call it a day.
B: Good idea.
I agree.
It`s time to go.
A: I`m home.
B: Welcome home.
I`m glad you`re back.
It`s good to see you.
A: Home, sweet home!
B: It is a wonderful place.
I love my home, too .
Home is the very best place.
A: There`s no place like home.
B: You`re so right.
I totally agree.
Home is the best.
A: I had a great day.
B: That`s fantastic.
I`m so happy for you .
Do you want to give me any details?
A: Everything went right for me .
B: Great.
You deserve it .
That`s good to her.
A: Today was really my day.
B: Good for you.
I`m glad to hear that .
Can you tell me about it?
A: It`s been a long day.
B: You must be tired.
You must be beat.
You need a rest.
A: I did so much.
B: Really?
Tell me about it.
I`d like to hear what you did .
A: I learned a lot.
B: I`m glad to hear that.
That`s the most important thing.
Learning is what life is all about.