【Round Table精选】摩挲年轻人不爱“走婚”,肿木办?

【Round Table精选】摩挲年轻人不爱“走婚”,肿木办?

2015-12-23    07'11''

主播: 罗叔英语

7490 52

主持人:周赫扬、罗煜、Brian 由于英语新闻脱口秀(又名圆桌议事、圆桌会议、英文名:Round Table)FM49830每天只能精选一个话题,这里我又再选了一个。希望大家喜欢。 微博关注:@轻松调频RoundTable @heyang萧帮phyllis @CRI罗煜 版权所有:中国国际广播电台轻松调频Round Table 音频制作:光芒君(罗煜) China's only matriarchal society threatened as young females head to cities for work For hundreds of years, the Mosuo people have lived next to Lugu Lake in Lijiang, Southwest China's Yunnan Province, maintaining the only matriarchal society in China. But the old way of life is deteriorating as more and more young people choose to leave home and work in the cities. Should the traditional Mosuo way of life be protected in some way? 摩梭人生活在有“东方女儿国”之称的泸沽湖畔。它位于川滇两省交界处的泸沽湖,是中国“母系氏族社会”最后的领地。然而近年来,摩梭传统文化逐渐消失,摩梭人离开家乡外出务工,年轻人不爱说摩梭话,就连传统的走婚习俗也被结婚所冲击。摩梭文化,该何去何从?