

2021-08-29    01'34''

主播: 罗叔英语

258 3

中国最高人民法院正在针对“996”制度进行打击。 China's top court is cracking down on "996". “996”制度,就是在中国科技公司普遍存在的“鼓励加班”的一种工作文化, That's what some call the work culture of 'encouraged overtime' common among Chinese tech firms, 也就是每周工作六天,从早上9点工作到晚上9点。 meaning working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week. 周四,中国最高人民法院与人力资源和社会保障部联合发布了关于什么是超时加班的典型案例。 On Thursday the court and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security published guidelines and examples on what constitutes overtime work. 此前,一些公司已经抢先当局一步展开了行动:“抖音”的母公司字节跳动于8月1日正式结束了该企业的周末加班制度, Some companies jumped ahead of authorities: ByteDance, the owner of TikTok, formally ended its weekend overtime policy on August 1, 这一行动是在其竞争对手“快手”宣布类似决定之后的两周实施的。 two weeks after its rival Kuaishou announced a similar decision. 中国最高人民法院和人社部对科技巨头的这一强迫性文化进行了批评, The court and ministry's criticism of hustle culture at tech giants, 与此同时,中国也正针对从垄断行为到消费者权利等一系列问题进行更广泛的监管打击。 also comes amid wider regulatory crackdowns in China on a range of issues, from monopolistic behaviour to consumer rights. 2019年,一群程序员在线发起了一场反对“996”制度的抗议活动。 Backlash against "996" bubbled up in 2019, when a group of programmers and coders launched an online protest against the practice. 当时,一些编码平台成为了员工交流公司要求过度加班的场所。 Some coding platforms became home for workers to swap stories of excessive overtime demands at their companies. 同年,中国官方媒体发表声明,称“996”制度违反了《劳动法》中每周平均工作44小时的规定。 In the same year, Chinese state media said "996" violated labour laws, which mandate an average working week of 44 hours.