

2021-09-12    06'25''

主播: 罗叔英语

270 5

China Creates a World Miracle in Poverty Reduction (Feb, 2021) Before I came to Canada for my posting in 2019, many friends recommended Arxan to me, which is a small city in the foothills of Greater Khingan Range in north China. They told me that the scenery there was as beautiful as that of Banff in Canadian Rockies and was quite worth a visit. It is a pity that I was unable to make a trip due to a tight schedule. After I arrived in Canada, I looked up some materials about Arxan out of curiosity and found this small city was indeed unusual with beautiful lakes, forests and snowcapped mountains, as well as vast grasslands and the largest group of hot springs in the world. Unlike Banff, Arxan had remained a key national-level poverty-stricken county by 2011. There was no adequate food or clothing for locals, let alone any tourism industry. Thanks to the national strategy of poverty alleviation through tourism development, the tourism industry in Arxan was promoted, helping the poor people blaze a trail full of hope featuring “tourism plus poverty alleviation”. The tourism revenue of Arxan reached 5.27 billion yuan (about $813.16 million) in 2018, increasing by 280 percent compared to 2013. In 2019, Arxan was officially removed from the list of national-level poverty-stricken counties. Arxan is merely an epitome of the miraculous poverty alleviation of China. Over the past 70 years, the Chinese government has lifted 850 million people out of poverty. During the four decades of reform and opening-up alone, 750 million people have been lifted out of poverty. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government has given top priority to the battle against poverty in its governance and organized the world’s biggest and toughest poverty-relief battle in human history. Since 2012, an average of more than ten million people, equivalent to the population of a medium-sized European country, had been lifted out of poverty each year. In November 2020, China accomplished its poverty alleviation target of the new era on schedule, with all 832 poor counties removed from poverty, eradicating absolute poverty and overall regional poverty, and achieving the poverty reduction target of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. 中国减贫的关键特点是把“精准扶贫”作为扶贫开发的基本方略,对不同贫困人口分别制定不同的脱贫方案,通过发展生产、易地搬迁、生态补偿、发展教育、社会保障兜底等实现脱贫。中国还实施电商扶贫、旅游扶贫、光伏扶贫等“十大扶贫工程”。在上述政策带动下,中国减贫成效覆盖包括少数民族在内的广大人群。截至2019年底,新疆累计脱贫人口达292.32万人。西藏74个贫困县全部“摘帽”,人均纯收入从2015年底的1499元增加到2019年的9328元,历史性消除绝对贫困。作为中国少数民族人口最多的省份,广西实现54个贫困县全部“摘帽”,境内的壮族人口整体脱贫。 China takes “targeted poverty alleviation” as a basic strategy, which is also a key feature of its poverty alleviation effort. The poverty alleviation plans are tailored to different groups of people, which include increasing production, relocating the poor, ecological compensation, strengthening education, improving social security, etc. China has also introduced a list of top 10 poverty alleviation projects such as poverty alleviation through e-commerce, tourism, and photovoltaic power generation projects. With such policies, China’s poverty elimination actions have benefited a wide range of Chinese people including minorities. By the end of 2019, over 2.92 million people in northwest China’s Xinjiang autonomous region have shaken off poverty. In Xizang autonomous region in southwest China, all 74 poor counties have been removed from the poverty list, and the net income per year per capita increased from 1,499 yuan at the end of 2015 to 9,328 yuan in 2019, which means eliminating absolute poverty in history for the first time. In Guangxi autonomous region in southwest China, a provincial-level region with the largest population of minorities in China, all the 54 poor counties have been removed from the poverty list, and all the people of the Zhuang ethnic group have been lifted from poverty. 中国的脱贫攻坚为全球减贫事业做出了重要贡献。作为世界上减贫人口最多的国家,中国对全球减贫贡献率超过70%。