《黄河》 文 /飞马

《黄河》 文 /飞马

2020-01-17    02'24''

主播: 诗恋🌀咏青/京鸽

151 2

《黄河》 文/非马 溯 挟泥沙而来的 滚滚浊流 你会找到 地理书上说 青海巴颜喀喇山 但根据历史书上 血迹斑斑的记载 这千年难得一清的河 其实源自 亿万个 苦难泛滥 人类深沉的 眼穴 YELLOW RIVER If you trace up the turbid current, you will find as any geography book can tell you the Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai Yet according to history’s bloody accounts this river which turns clear at most once in a thousand years has its origin in millions of eye sockets of suffering human beings