

2019-02-27    01'42''

主播: 蓝教授英语教学法

1269 8

[兰七剑中英论语诵读16-八佾:詩經之禮] (8)子夏問曰:“‘巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮’,‘素以為絢兮’。何謂也?”子曰:“繪事後素。”曰:“禮後乎?”子曰:“起予者商也!始可與言詩已矣!” The scholar Zixia asked, “Her beautiful smiles / are broad, her bright eyes / are telling a story’, ‘Paint the gorgeous colours / on plain silks’. What is the meaning?” The Master Confucius said, “Colours are painted / on the plain.” Zixia asked, “Is the propriety / coming after / the benevolence?” The Master Confucius said, “You, Shang, are someone / who now / inspires me a lot! Now I can begin / to talk about poetry!”