IVAE20170612-Daily Table: Feeding the Community Daily Table ── 讓健康 食物不再

IVAE20170612-Daily Table: Feeding the Community Daily Table ── 讓健康 食物不再

2017-06-14    23'11''

主播: 桓妧Sylvia

39 0

Obesity is a major health problem in the United States, and it is known to affect4 the poor more than the rich. Why could this be? Unfortunately, nutritious5 food is more expensive than junk food. In addition, underprivileged▼ families often have to work longer hours at lower wages6, so they don’t have as much time to prepare meals. This means that the only _(1)_ for many families is unhealthy, cheap fast food.   Daily Table opened in an effort to _(2)_ this problem. Daily Table is a supermarket in Dorchester, a mostly lowincome area of Boston, Massachusetts. It was founded in 2015 by Doug Rauch, who used to be the _(3)_ of popular supermarket chain▼, Trader Joe’s. But when Rauch saw how challenging7 things were for low-income families, he decided to open a _(4)_ supermarket. What makes Daily Table special is that there is no junk food anywhere to be found, and food prices are _(5)_ inexpensive.   The store manages to do this by _(6)_ as a nonprofit▼ organization. The company’s objective8 is to serve the community, not to make its owners rich. Daily Table also has special relationships with local food suppliers9. It deals with growers, other supermarkets, and charities to get food _(7)_ cheaper than usual. The selection10 ranges from fresh groceries▼, ready-made meals to heat up at home, to grab-andgo prepared meals. The prices are as low as fast food restaurants, but the choices are much healthier. Often, this is food that would have _(8)_ gone to waste. The idea is really _(9)_, and Rauch hopes to expand11 Daily Table into other US cities. The growth of his idea will _(10)_ that hard-working people who can barely make ends meet are able to eat healthy food nationwide▼, and less food will go to waste. If that happens, everybody wins. (A) departed from (B) option (C) hostile (D) unique (E) ensure (F) incredibly (G) far (H) otherwise (I) president (J) catching on (K) operating (L) combat