IVAE20170616-The Most Unusual and Interesting Animal 又萌又稀有的兩棲動物(a)

IVAE20170616-The Most Unusual and Interesting Animal 又萌又稀有的兩棲動物(a)

2017-06-16    23'58''

主播: 桓妧Sylvia

20 0

In a basic zoology class, we learn that there are six main kinds of animals: mammals1, birds, reptiles▼, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates▼. Among amphibians, the most common are frogs; salamanders2, on the other hand, are rarely seen.   Salamanders are lizard-like amphibians, complete with four legs and a tail. The tail is present at all stages during the life of a salamander, so zoologists label salamanders and their cousins — the newts▼ — as Caudata, from the Latin word for "tail." Salamanders range in size from the 3-centimeter-long minute salamander▼ to the Chinese giant salamander▼, which can reach 1.8 meters from head to tail and weigh up to 60 kilograms! All salamanders live in or near water, so most species have gills▼ to breathe, while others develop lungs after they leave the water and become terrestrial3.   If you want to see a salamander in its native habitat, go to North America,  where nearly a third of the world&`&s 655 salamander species call home. Try investigating streams, ponds, and wetlands for aquatic4 species, and check out the nearby forest for the terrestrial dwellers5. Though salamanders look defenseless6, they are actually anything but. Their tail can be used as a whip▼, and some species have skin that is highly toxic. In addition, most species of salamanders are covered with slime▼, making it difficult to get a good grip7 on one. As if they didn&`&t already have enough defenses, they can also break off their tails, which thrash▼ around to distract predators8 and give them enough time to escape. Salamanders have the ability to regenerate9 these tails and other body parts, a feature that has long attracted the attention of scientists.